• Do we really have the right ?

    March 6, 2015

    Do we really have the right to hurt others with our words ? Remember that old familiar saying we said as kids, “sticks and stones…


    November 23, 2013

    Tis the season to be merry and to be full of goodwill towards all. Yet, there are those who have a great deal of anger…

    To “Toot or not to “Toot”

    June 6, 2013

    It appears I wrote this awhile ago and forgot to post it. So …..here it goes. To” Toot” or not to” Toot” , is the…

    A Sincere Thank You from Boston

    April 20, 2013

    A Sincere Thank YOU from Boston. As many of you know, Boston is where I live . It has been my home since 1981. What…

    Reflections of the Reunion

    April 13, 2013

    It has been a whole week since Homecoming Reunion. I have thought about why it was so successful to so many chatters. First of all,…

    What does xxx REALLY mean?

    February 16, 2013

    I have often wondered why so many chatters put xxx after their replies. What does it really stand for? I have had this conversation with…

    Passaggio’s First Blog

    September 1, 2012

    I would first like to say a Heartfelt Thank you. I was chuffed (a lovely word I learned from the brits)to receive so many messages…