Members Blogs


  1. Hey, not dead yet! I am new to Arizona, and to Phoenix. Moved from Europe in 2020. Met some people but they have all left Phoenix. I hate the summers heat, love the winter. This winter has been colder than normal. BUT still better than the summer. I am a very social person, so living here and knowing no one is sort of a personal hell. I may be aged 69 – BUT don’t hold that against me. Age is a frame of mind! I am presently studying Forensic Psychology and Criminology.

    1. hello 🙂 i also prefer colder climate @ heat intolerance anxiety.

      sure,we each have our personal hell but i hope that joining this website is gonna help you feel better @ connection to some genuine people who are trying to spread some cheer 🙂

  2. Not too sure yet about the whole Blog idea. I’ve heard of it but I don’t fully understand the why’s or wherefore’s and is it just a bit like keeping a diary? Only one that’s completely public?
    Could turn into a bit of a sounding post then perhaps? But I could have it completely wrong. Maybe I’ll leave this here and see what else (if anything) occurs to me. Is there anything else I would say for now? Well perhaps that I’m crazy about music, always was, always will be. I’m wearing headphones listening to tunes right now (because it’s very late here and I’d cause a disturbance) as I write this.
    Let’s see what happens then 😊

    1. And as it turns out… I think I did it wrong already. Instead of making a blog post I may have just responded to someone else’s? If so it was an accident and I apologise.

      1. Doesnt matter DJ. You wont go to jail haha I always forget about the blogs, this is the first time I have looked at blogs for so long. I think if you want to communicate the groups get noticed more. Day to day conversation, a few use the group “Shout” then the different interests groups, music etc. Just letting the newbies know in case they think no one is answering them 🙂

        1. hello 🙂 am also new at this but i really appreciate your kindness in thinking about the newbies concern & suggestion about ‘shout’/interest groups @ touch of humour + positive solution approach 🙂

          1. Not many will check blogs. If you’re looking to make friends, post in groups, maybe “shoutbox” group. Members will then see your posts

  3. wellCome 🙂 glad to have found this good a site 🙂 am also here to find genuine friends since i lost my best one-my mom & being a late to bed person, loneliness at night is eased even by online friends since i never married & no kids/pets.
    this is about me
    if you want to beFriend, am a sincere one 🙂

  4. Hello everyone. I am a new entrant. Looking forward to an exciting conversation to relieve the week long work stress. Thank God is Friday. Have a restful weekend.

  5. Hello everyone, while I may be a new member and have several different interests besides cooking, baking, riding motorcycle along with my husband. I thought I should let everyone know, it may take me a bit longer to read members posts, since I had a stroke several years ago which affected my vision. So please bear with me. Thank You!

    1. welcome 1DomesticGoddess , I hope you enjoy the site, not a lot of members come to the blogs. So dont be disappointed if you dont get a response here. Try interacting with members on the many groups we have. That way you will get to know more people. Enjoy 🙂

  6. Took a long trike ride with the dogs. They are crashed out on their pillows and I am doing laundry 🙂 I do see that hardly anyone visits the blogs but decided to post something today. Working to keep up documenting and budgeting today as well. I hope May is a great month for everyone!

    1. I’m new to this site case and only just finding my feet but it seems okay. How are you are you married? Have children, grand children etc. Do you chat on here much? Do tell lol

  7. Hi, I am new to SeniorChatters. Interested in discussions on developments in Engineering, Science and Medicine. I can only see less than 10 groups…Music, Main, YouTube… Not discouraged yet. The world has got to be interested in more topics than what I see. Help me get connected. I’ll work on this and give it another week…