Chat Sites.

The latest blog, by, deaks, set me thinking about chat sites.

I do not understand why people think it is  someone being unfaithful that joins these site.

I mean surely we can all chat to the opposite sex, without having a relationship, and if some people do go on to have a relationship, what business is it of anyone else?

I have always felt safe on S.C. and there were  lots of friends on here, there still are some.

Actually my son found this site for me, and I was laughing so much one day at something on here, that he told me to join.I have had great fun on here with both male , and female members taking part.

My hubby is still with me…and he has met people from the site with me, so what is the problem?

If it was a dating site I could understand, but this has never been a dating site.

I do not go on Skype, or any other chat sites, I enjoy my time on here, and will continue to do so.

What other people do is up to them, but I think we should just do our own thing, and leave people alone in what they want to do.

Just stick to doing what we do and mind our own business is what I think.

I have been in shop work for many years, before retiring, and Yes you can get chatted up there. It does not mean that if someone dangles the bait, you have to bite, it depends on a persons morals,


Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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  1. Some seem to think that it is impossible for a male and a female to have a friendship without it becoming sexual. I think that says more about them than the people they are maligning.

  2. Responding to Chat sites. Tania long ago back in the day before this computer, and social media. We had a thing called Pen Pals. When I was in the service and stationed far away from home, My mother sent me a page of listing for Pen friends all over the world. A typical ad would read ” Hello my name is so and so I am a whatever age girl, boy and I would like to receive letters from men/boys girls/ women. with the accompanying address. There was usually a description of likes, hobbies, or a general message. When sent and depending on its destination there was a wait of 5 to 10 days for a response, if any came. For a serviceman, mail call was the high point of the day. Are chatroom site today any different?
    I was disturbed by what was written by deaks, actually, truth be known angry. Engaging with people regardless of gender through texting is not being unfaithful in any way unless you are hiding the fact from a close loved one. If merely talking to a person of the opposite sex constitutes a breach, unfaithfulness, of trust towards a wife or husband or even another friend. Then I had broken my vows to my departed wife millions over.
    Yes, some seek male friends, some female. Where is the faithfulness unfaithfulness here? Yes, people do look for possible mates here and everywhere on the internet. What in my opinion makes SC nice is the level of care taken to provide a safe secure and enjoyable platform in which to meet and yes flirt if desired. You stated dangling bait this happens everywhere and taking the bait is a choice. I wonder, if Mr. deaks is so unhappy with this site, then why, may I ask is he still here? thank you

    1. Thank you happysailor1, yes we used to get lots of mail and correspondence when we were with the services, I was forever writing letters and corresponding with people . The internet has taken over..not just with letters, but cards as well.In fact I now correspond with one of the lads that used to come to our home every weekend to get away from camp. I am happy to say that he has been happily married for years now.Like you I do not understand deaks, complaint.There are members on here who are lonely, some cannot get about as they used to,so they use the site for friendship, be it male or female. I think if deaks is so unhappy, why is he still here? Why spend time surveying people about chat sites?

    2. I was a pen pall when in my younger years I wrote to about 6 different service men I alway put to the att of someone who didn’t get letters as I felt they needed a letter just as much as the next man that had a family writing. Years later I had a phone call from one he was in England and wondered if he could visit an say thank you for my letters I’d sent he said it had got him through a lot of tough times. I didn’t get to meat him his ship was docked to far away an he only had a short stop. It was nice to think he’d tracked me down to say thank you.

      1. That is a lovely story, silverlady1. There are lots of servicemen who appreciate letters while they are away.I am pleased that the gentleman was able to thank you.

  3. Totally agree Tania — I have always enjoyed friendships with both male and female friends — which
    are not based on sexual interests. But I also have friends – female – who cannot understand how I
    could participate in these friendships!! In this day and age – hard to understand.

      1. I am pleased that you have had friendships , GG, it beggars belief how some people look at things, and also it has taken 12 months for the person to come up with this.I will just carry on, no harm in having friends lol

  4. I refuse to allow a text entity to influence my enjoyment of SC. I too have several mates from my old unit and we also chat via post snail mail I think its called these day. As well I have the honor of befriending several active duty service persons. One, by the way, is an officer never thought that I would hobnob with an officer, 😉 She a flight deck operations officer and loves to tell me about her home town. Another serves in South Korean and he loves German Beer, so I send him a Happy Care Package every now and again. I told him about the SC site and he wrote back saying that he would check it out.
    I do hope that deaks can settle his issues
    Have a good day

  5. It beggers belief that someone who professes to be so forgiving and compassionate should harbour such thoughts about fellow chatters…….you are being very judgmental Deaks…….but like your comment to me on a previous post I will forgive you because you must have been very hurt in your past to make you so bitter……..errrrr….

  6. I have been on S C for several years. During that time I have chatted with well over 200 members. Only once did I have a problem? I seem to chat more with females than males. This seems to be because men prefer to talk to women. Starlette who has made a comment is one of many friends I have made here. shall we say the more sordid parts of online chat? Will never appeal to me. All I want are friends worldwide to chat with about whatever from time to time. This site is the safest that I know of and let’s keep it that way.

    1. I agree with you slimjim, this site should be kept safe. We all have a choice to who we chat to, and who we are friends with. I agree in keeping the site safe…Thank you.

  7. I have lots of chat friends, male and female, a name on the screen to chat with. So it doesnt mean anyone is being unfaithful. Yes, lets not be naive it does go on. I am not talking about general flirting, relationships broken up by this and then act as if they are happy and innocent and met after the break up lol But who cares, none of our business. I have been asked before, if I say I am happily married why and I on a chat site. Because I like chatting, that simple. I work for our business on my computer so I have the time to be on a chat site. On weekends or night, if I am on the computer its because my husband is working here at home in the office and I am keeping him company sitting beside him. In the chat room you do see a lot, and it doesnt take long for people to work out who is here for what. But again, its their business, it is not impacting on my life. I dont worry what anyone thinks, I know the truth about myself, we are all here for one reason or another. So be it. Lots of friendships have been made on this site. I have met two members and about to meet another one next month. Some friendships can be a godsend, when ill no one wants to hear about it, but if you have that friend that always listens, it does help. And i for one appreciate that friendship.

    1. There is no problem with chatting with male or female friends, well I cannot see one, grandmaj, I know things do go on , and have done for years, but that is nothing to do with anyone only the people involved…Thank you for your input x