These Hands
This is my hand, it doesn’t resemble the hand of my younger years. The wrinkles, the sore knuckles, the stiffness in my fingers.
I used to have such young looking hands as they danced in the air as I spoke; they held lovers and hugged babies and grand babies and now even great great grand babies. I have shaken the hands of friends and strangers. I knew what these hands were able to do.
But my hands always stayed busy. They worked hard taking care of acres of land and the livestock living on that land. They cared for animals and many children. They did housework, yard work and cooking. I loved typing, drawing, knitting, sewing, cross stitching and writing. They picked fruit and cooked jams from fruits grown in my own gardens. It’s more difficult to use my hands to do these things today.
These hands have farmed, gathering eggs, saddling horses, comforting children and holding the hands of dying loved ones. In quiet moments, they turned the pages of favorites books as I read to my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. . . or simple read to myself. I used to handwrite many letters, it was a favorite thing to do bringing happiness to older members of the family who had been forgotten as they aged. I always enjoyed being told how much my letters meant to them.
I cross stitched a blanket for my husband’s mother, but it was her mother who enjoyed sitting for hours holding that blanket and looking at the details of each child, I stitched the name and birth dates of each child as a memory to be cherished in later years. I am not able to hold a needle or even thread one at this time in my life.
One day I’m certain my hands will slow down and no longer express the feeling inside my heart. I’m certain rheumatoid arthritis will tell their story as it did for my grandmother with crippled and knotted joints making it impossible to use them. I remember holding on to the hands of those I loved creating the memories I think back on now in my later years, etching the maps of my life to be seen in my future years.
© Joy Elaine
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters
Beautiful JoyElaine! Makes me think about all the good things I’ve done with my hands doing the last 76 years.
Your hands speak the story of your life. Your writing is riveting. Many hands have never lived such an active time. Spending your days, doing the hard work, those hands should be treasured. Those hands were useful and still are.Be grateful. Each time you glance at them, be proud of yourself, for it was you who gave through those beautiful hands
Thank you, I don’t mind the wrinkles at all. They are beginning to shake and that makes it difficult to do some things but I still try.
Just forge on, they say. You do have writing talent. Perhaps a writer’s group. Perhaps many people can express themselves better in written words than in words spoken. Mm,even poetry.
Have a fantastic day. Linann
Thank you @Linann I really miss being in the writing group when I was in college. I even over came my fear and shyness and read them out loud. I miss those days very much. I write poetry but most of it is written when I’m fighting depression and I’m not sure people like to read it.
You write beautifully
Thank you @Unknown Member.
You seem to be an active member of Senior Chatters. Your writing was published for all to read. What were your thoughts and feelings when Senior Chatters praised and accepted My Hands. Perhaps in poetry form or any form you choose have the words that pop into your head make their way on paper. Just keep writing. We all have our
horrible, terrible, no good, very bad days. Perhaps one flash of a happy oment durin the day will spark your talent to emerge.
Wonderfully written JoyElaine! Very thought provoking! Looking at my hands they too have done numerous things throughout my life 🙂
Loved your writing! Wow, the way you started your personal essay and then built upon all the ways in which your hands were meaningful and important in your life. You are a very talented writer! If one day your hands won’t allow you to type, thankfully, you can dictate your words with modern technology. You will always be able to write in that sense – so please feel peace at that. I loved reading your blog. What an amazing life you have lived. I was pretty much blown away with the full life you’ve lived with those beautiful, well-lived hands. Keep writing!
So meaningful words. It represents your life. A life you should be so proud of.