• Lobby, Giggles Room, Think Tank

    July 16, 2014

    Starting this with a question. Can I, or can I not be friends with all? Do I have to choose? I hope not. Am I…

    Logged in Via Google Search

    January 21, 2014

    I had been logged into SC earlier, but had left the site to do other things on my laptop. I did not log off from…


    October 14, 2011

    Never really did understand the term ‘blog’ and apparently never will. In any event, it seems not to be my particular arena of expression. I…

    How To Give Your Cat A Pill

    September 28, 2011

    Yes, this could have gone in the Cat Lover’s Group (not a member), and yes, it has been around forever, but hope all may find…

    We All Fit…Somewhere

    September 27, 2011

    There are those who know and know they know, Follow them for they are wise. There are those who know but don’t know they know,…


    September 5, 2011

    Tried to delete this. Way informs me that I should join the Philosophy Group. I did.