
An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something.
That person is not usually motivated by a need for power or money or fame, but in fact is driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness, so much that he or she is compelled by some internal moral engine to act to make it better.

Eve Ensler

This is what i am, describes me perfectly.

Who are you ?

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  1. For me ,not sure who i am,still figuring that one out,….all i can say is i work with e.m.i.patients,and am fiercely protective of them,…iff i suspect they are being abused,i gather all my information,then i whistle blow,and will continue to do so.

    1. Flowersun, i admire you, not an easy job to do, and it takes courage to whistle blow, can have repercussions, you, and people like you, are greatly needed and valued in the caring proffesion. xx

      1. Yes star I did a whistle blow and ended up ‘losing’ my job after 9 months of intense investigations, ‘they’ all stuck together… was made to appear I was the one causing the trouble ~ I hasten to add I had no part in ‘locking a person in a cupboard’… the cupboard suddenly became a store room, no worries I am now on a site which campaigns for bullying and puts others in touch with organizations where they can speak freely without becoming known called SOVA~ Safeguarding Vulnerable People (formerly Protecting Vulnerable People, or POVA)….I wish I had not been quite so naive, and used SOVA………what I don’t do is ‘give up’, I try and use my experiences and put it to use in ways to help others in the same predicament…
        To fight for justice I don’t act with aggression, I try to remain calm, with careful planning I think rationally before I act upon anything…..
        Sorry for the t/j!

        1. Been in a similar situation Debz, not easy, people say they will back you up…then dont, but you did what you knew was the right thing to do, aggression is pointless, nobody going to listen to wild ramblings. Never give up, you just can’t, people need your help.

          1. I agree people don’t always back you up…I’m afraid one of my weakness is I don’t give up!

  2. ac·tiv·ist [ak-tuh-vist] Show IPA
    an especially active, vigorous advocate of a cause, especially a political cause.
    of or pertaining to activism or activists: an activist organization for environmental concern.
    advocating or opposing a cause or issue vigorously, especially a political cause: Activist opponents of the President picketed the White House.

  3. activist – definition
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    NOUN [COUNTABLE] /ˈæktɪvɪst/
    someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organization
    environmental activists
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  4. I am more of an advocate than activist. I am a child advocate and serve on groups to improve the environment and life of children. We need both advocates and activist. I believe in everything in moderation. I like people who stand up for what they believe, but I do advocate not needing to go to war with people if they have different views. Stand up for the cause not against the person.

  5. Quite agree Linda, everyone entitled to their own views, and they should be respected whether they differ from our’s or not,, not about power or trying to convert anyone, just about standing up for what we believe in. Brilliant work you do with your groups Linda,very much needed.