Your Way Out

You’re a sick senior citizen and the government says they are going to sell your house to pay for your nursing care, so what do you do?

My plan from down here in New Zealand gives anyone 65 or older the ability to buy a gun and four bullets. You are allowed to shoot 4 politicians.

Of course, you will go to prison, where you will get free meals, a roof over your head, central heating, air conditioning and all your health care you need.

Need new teeth? – no problem, new glasses? that’s fine too. A new hip? knees, kidney, Lung or Heart? they’re all covered.

And your kids can only visit you at set times.

Finally, may I recommend that you take the foregoing with a Dose of Salt?

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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  1. Hi drummer. Interesting blog, in theory. I’ll have to inquire about that here. I know that my late mother-in-law didn’t have to sell her house when she was in a home for seniors. That was in Nova Scotia, I’m in the adjoining province.