I’ve been on this site for about 5 years. I used to spend hours in the lobby, talking or listening to others. It didn’t seem to matter which. It was a nice place to be. It was…..comfortable I think is the word.

Something has changed. The site? Me? I don’t know, but something is different.

Where there was familiar ground there is now an undercurrent of……….I don’t know what.

My imagination? I don’t think so.

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  1. I wasnt here 5 years ago Way, but there is always change when new people join and some old chatters get a life, lol. Its a bit like a highway, and the ride with smooth, but now and again there is a merge lane with more traffic. Its a case of making room and blending in with the merge, so as not to have a collision.

  2. i hate to say this but i agree with way..something is just not right..one reason i took a break for awhile…sorry to say but i don’t think this site will got back to the way it was 5 years ago..:(

  3. Have to agree Way. There is now an element of chatters who flaunt the rules of the site yet not enough to warrant any expulsion. These are the unwritten rules….where people are polite to each other, listen to each other, have respect for fellow man or woman, can tease without that underlying thought that it may be taken wrong…in general they act as the would never do in front of their own friends and family, they would never disrespect any family member without listening to what they have to say.
    Yes many will disagree with me on this but I have been here since the original Life over50 site and have watched the changes taking place. There are those who think, because they pay a membership fee, they can do as they like …say as they like and act as they like. There are those who come in here half cut and full of bravado because they are boozed…yes seen that to….the next day come in to apoligize for the damage they have done with their words….its really too late then as the damage has been done Yes, there have been a few do that one. I like a happy drunk yet one who remembers what they do and have no need to apoligize for anything.
    Over the past few year I have taken what i call a “mental break”. These breaks are taken when i get frustrated because I can’t help someone, cant get someone to understand the affect they have on fellow chatters, exceed the boundaries of friendship by asking that I do something they are quite capable of doing themselves, play the ‘school yard bully” by insinuation and disrespect of another Member or their country and so it goes on.
    Nowadays I seldom go into the chatroom due to all these things and they also spill over into the rest of the site from time to time….I chose my times for chatroom chat preferring to spend time in the rest of the site doing the work I have been entrusted to do.
    Before everyone jumps on me for saying this it is my own personal opinion. Its such a shame we can’t see backwards to what this site once was and the things that made it so popular with the chatters we once attracted. Now , so often , we see someone say just here for a look around…experience chat, Blogs, Info box etc and then leave. Has anyone noticed how many people only ever visit here the once…they see something or experience they don’t like and don’t return not even to take advantage of their 14 day free trial. We want everyone to feel comfortable on here and for us to become quite a contagious community, but less and less this is happening now.
    As one Member says….thats my “hissy fit” over and done with as, as always, my few comments has become a bloody book…lol

    1. I agree with what you say faye, I can,t really comment on chat rooms because I’m not a fan. But I do believe a lot of the problems people experience is possibly down to the anonymity of this site many individuals feel free to express themselves more openly. I use FB a great deal…. I know you will say the same happens there…but the difference is you know who is saying it !!
      And as some members don,t post a pic you get no idea of the face behind the words….. 🙂

  4. No it is not your imagination Way, the site has definately changed. I have been around for about 2 and a half years now, and can well remember the time when chatters and chat took precedence for me, in those days I couldnt wait to log on and chat……. I miss that……….., I now still visit most days, but rarely go into chat, there is something not quite right…and I can’t put my finger on it!!!!!!

  5. I agree also with you Way, even though I have only been a member for 3 years. I do think most of us have a pretty good idea of why the site has changed. Could be people are afraid of being honest about why things have changed.
    When the idea came up about having a reunion for chatters, it was about trying to get all the old time chatters back to the site. To have them meet the newer members and mingle. I know as tink said, we can never go back, but isn’t there a way to go forward and make things better?
    How can this happen when there are chatters in here laughing( not in a good way) about the reunion. Saying negative things about it? Hoping that it will be a flop?
    So, no I do not believe it is your imagination about everything.

    1. Pass I dont think people are “hoping” it will be a flop. They are just wary of some people coming back…and dont forget this was tried before although not quite so much effort was put into it lol

      1. Passaggio,i am extremely tuned in to S.C.even though i play “dumb”!,trust me im not,lets just leave it at that,…..I love this site,and i have made a few genuine friends,sorry if you dont understand what i mean.enjoy your day.

        1. This quote may help passy…….
          “If you see a turtle sitting on a fence post, just remember he had some help getting there……

          Just saying is all……….
          I’ll take the ouch comments…….

  6. I think I has changed but not necessarily for worse … It’s just different .
    When I joined almost 3 years ago the site was much smaller ,membership was steady ( the lifetime membership option then , made for a smoother continuity of friendships) and there was not much else to do other than chat . (In the chat room) or /and private chat . Private chat was open to everyone so no matter the time of day or night there was always someone to talk to one on one .
    To exchange private messages we needed to be enlisted as friends first .
    Then there were forums where chatters use to discuss all kind of topics … There was rivalry and fighting there also , and some chatters left and others got kicked out by administration .
    As we can see things weren’t perfect back then , either !
    These days there’s so much more to do ! There are dozens of groups , some of them very active and sooooo much fun !!! There are games (thanks to Sophie2, now gone sniff, sniff ) there’s the music room , the games room , blogs ,poetry , story writing competitions .etc .etc .etc . As well as the chat rooms , private chat and messaging .
    So over all I think things are pretty good ! They’re different YES but still good !
    So FIND YOUR NICHE make yourself comfortable and enjoy it !! 🙂 🙂

    1. Thanks nmod for your views. As a newbie with SC I was starting to think the finger pointing of bad change, was at the newbies. As nmod stated, change can be for the good.
      Would be very sad if the world didnt advance and change, or we would still be hunting for food with spears!!! 😉 jk 🙂

  7. Its odd how this come up today I have just recently received this message from someone who has since asked me how to delete his membership and I notice he has now gone. It gives no solutions but it does say how he felt about his chatroom experience.
    The message received after i send him a welcome……”thanks but I’m a bit disappointed as there only seems to be one chat room occupied (Lobby) where they don’t seem to be having a real discussion. I was interested in the quiz room but it’s seems to be always empty.”
    Yes, I have to agree with him….there is a lot of chat goes on but is it real?

    1. In my opinion the chat room is not real,some people go in their to slate(gossip)about others,and some go in their to wind others up,………………..now watch everyone jump on me.!!!! …some are lovely peeps in their,but no matter where you go,their are always a few who are out to cause trouble,…some people love to wind others up,they get a huge thrill from it,…it is the same in the outside world,its called,Life,!!,………….ILOVE.S.C. and have found my place,…the end.

      1. Well said Flower and so true. Gossip and winding up is sometimes not very pleasant to witness but we cant do a damn thing about it. If one speaks out about it then they are targeted…Childish behaviour I know but then it seems some never bothered to grow up.

        1. That is the thing flower if you sit on the fence and just watch nothing will be done, you should pm the moniter/admin, copy and paste conversations, of which you saw someone to be uncomfortable…..I remember when you first came onto chat and I saw stuff happening, I copy and pasted the info and even pmd you to to tell you what I had done….and pleaded with you to go back in……as it wasn’t like that all the time….

          1. I do remember the vid you put on for me though ,debz,it was lovely and made me feel accepted and warm inside,thank you for that,xxxxxxx

        1. your very welcome flower, I saw I acted, with so many people now, we’re all from different countries, what one may find offensive the others may not, sense of humour etc…bullying? well those who are found bullying imo should be named!!!!..
          Also I have been here about 2 years and I have found the site ‘different’, and it’s changed xx

  8. I agree with you way, chat has changed. Lot of baiting and nit picking at times, these people stay just within the conditions of entry to chat and create an uncomfortable under current. Yes some do come in half cut then say they don’t remember a thing when confronted with what has been said. On the other hand there are many who come in to relax, have a laugh, a discussion, friendly teasing and always ready to comfort a member who is having a hard time and rejoice with others good news, way it used to be. I agree with nmod also, find your niche and enjoy.

  9. nmod, love your positive way of viewing things. I think the reunion is going to be fun. Hopefully some of the old members will come back and find new friends. The site has grown in just the short time I have been a member. I look forward to meeting new people. Change is the only constant in life, we embrace it or we go against the grain. The reunion will be great because so many people, old and new are committing to make it work. I agree with you Nmod…over all things are good. I have learned in life, I don’t have to like everyone, I only have to be respectful.

  10. I belong to this chat community/group in Aimoo. We all met in 1998 during the days of MSN chat and some (well, many) members have since ~ disappeared. We miss them but know that life goes on for some.

    But, a few have remained in the Aimoo group where we continue to stay in touch. Chats will never stay the same, changes occur… some good and some bad. Sure, we miss the good ole days… but we also should embrace the future and the changes. Just enjoy it…

    1. Yes Skippy…you are right but looking at this there are some not getting it and even one who isnt enjoying the chat is one too many….and it seems chat is where the problem arises….:-( Many possible chatters are now in Groups instead as that is where they are comfortable.

    1. I agree Skip. I don’t even go into chat much because I am so busy doing other things. Not that I have any problems. There is always something fun going on. Plus I love that you and others helped to create things such as the Smile group. You were very positive and helpful. Yout act as a mentor. Thanks…Linda

    2. I like the site and the chat room.
      Maybe I am lucky to have selective reading.
      Or I may be lucky not to be in there at those unpleasant times.
      I dont let anything bother me, and never take anything personally.
      Its a chat site fgs. for seniors.
      If you dont like whats whats being said in the chat room… click the disconnect button!!! and come back later.
      Geez is it really important enough to let these people get to you?

      [polly steps off her podium]

  11. Way I have to say with such a simple Blog you have bought up a lot of comments. I have spent some considerable time today thinking about these comments and have come to realize something….while the site over all is excellent and worth while being involved it I feel any problems come from the chatroom. We have lost the art of sensible conversation…I used to liken it to “chatting over the fence to the next door neighbour”. That has gone!! Now it seems to be a room full of fruitcakes…well, that is how newbies who enter seem to see it….real discussions the newbie who deleted said. Maybe he is right. I seldom go there because I like real discussions to along with a little fun not stupidity. Now I tend to go in on the times that Whippet has the radio programme on because we have chats…proper chats…about the music he has on, about what has been happening in our lives, listening to Morv describing herself dancing on the table to the music….fun things but realistic things (well maybe not Morv dancing on table but they way she writes it you can imagine it). It is not fast with everyone trying to out chat each other or say something dafter than the previous person usually to the exclusion of anyone else who enters the chatroom then also exits with very few even knowing they were there because they couldnt find a decent conversation they could actually join in..

  12. Now, how could it be at all possible to have a decent conversation in a chat room where people walk in and out of it constantly ,and most of the time it’s spent saying hello and goodbye?
    How could be at all possible to have 3.5 thousand members all happy and satisfied ?
    Unless the chatting it’s done around a topic /theme , I would say it will be impossible .
    That’s why chatting is so enjoyable when the radio program is on and everyone feels included in the conversation ,because there’s a central topic ,same for everyone .
    Or when Acronymia is on and we are all playing the game …it’s great fun !
    Five years ago there may have been a few dozen members ,so it was like being at home with friends . Today …there’s a population of a small city …things have changed !
    There’s something here for everyone , let’s appreciate what we have ,there are people on here who are working very hard for the common good of all of us . Enjoy it .
    Perhaps the ones who are unsatisfied could think of ideas on how to make things better .taking into consideration that we are all adults , responsible for our own behavior (hopefully) and paying members . 🙂 🙂

  13. I agree there has been change and really a lot of change to the old site – there are now so many things to do in SC whereas on the old site the chat room was the “main event”. We had such great fun on the old site and I can’t remember any abusive chatters for the time I was there. I met so many wonderful people on the old site and couldn’t wait to get into the chat room each day. I think the thing that has changed is that we had such a wonderful group of people and we had a lot of fun in chat and I think we miss that. I don’t go into the chat room much now as by the time I check out the activity, read the blogs and the groups I don’t have enough time to go into chat.
    If there are a lot of chatters in the Lobby why can’t some go to another room to chat, especially those who can’t keep up with the conversation/conversations. Do monitors cover all the rooms? I suppose if some chatters moved to another room they would probably get criticized – but couldn’t one say “I can’t keep up with the conversation I am going to another room if anyone wants to come along – is there anything wrong with that? – only a suggestion. I, too, have taken breaks from SC for personal reasons, but I love this site, and yes I believe we all want it to be a safe and happy place to come into xox

  14. I have a suggestion. Why dont we all start afresh. I apologise to anyone that I have offended in the past with what I thought was humour. I have to realize I am not as funny as I think I am. Lol. Life is to short. We cant take anything back whats done is done but we can move forward.

  15. Wow!!! What was supposed to be a gentle musing certainly opened up a few cans of worms.

    I have noticed a couple of comments that seem to take it that I was criticising some of our newer members. I would just like to make clear that that was never my intent.

    Truth is I don’t know what has changed. that was the point of the blog

  16. Way, it’s not so much imagination as it is the site has changed in the little time I’ve been here.
    Anytime you have this many people from all cultures and all walks of life I suppose you will always see constant change.Every person is unique in their own way. I personally believe over all Rob had done a terrific job keeping the site as sane as he has. The monitors deserve much credit as well.
    Some may say the monitors could do better but I disagree. You have upwards of 2000 members and
    what 5 or 6 monitors? You guys do a great job and I for one thank you. The chat has changed but in my humble opinion the chat room is the window to the site as a whole. I personally don’t go in chat not because of reasons described but there is so much else to do now than before. The old site had the chatroom and shoutbox. That was pretty much it as far as interacting. I know I have ruffled some feathers with the Politics group. I say that because some have pm’ed me and vented your “spirited” feelings on certain matters. I take the site for what it is to me. It is a place to learn, laugh, share and add to my day. From my experience I do think some take things here too seriously. I have personally never had a bad experience in chat when I did go in and I wouldn’t have an issue with it now. To some the site is their window to the world. For others its entertainment and learning. If we all would come in chat or on the site for that matter to bring something positive there would be no room for what I have seen described above. There are some on here that just to out of their way to make someone else laugh. That’s what it’s about. I know if I personally contribute humor and fun that too will be returned. Do I agree with everything I read? NO! Do many agree with all I say here? NO! If we can all agree to disagree and let things that offend them go SC will be a even better place to socialize and have a good experience. Again, I personally thank Rob and you who who work so hard to keep SC what it is.