Well that did not work

The folks who are getting free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now… The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
Thomas Jefferson said it best: “The democracy (Republic) will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

I’M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

Let’s take a stand!!!

Obama: Gone!
Borders: Closed!
Language: English only
Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”. — Margaret Thatcher

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  1. You said it right. I am worried about what my children and their children will have to contend with. I say this: Congress and president need to live by same laws they vote in, such as health care and retirement systems. If you want to get money from the govenment then you go through drug tests just like those having to do to get jobs. Food stamps are for food, not cash if you have figured out to use the system. If govenment wants to give out money, then set up work programs for those to work for the money like during depression. Give breaks to working parents for childcare so they can keep their jobs. Ooops…. getting carried away now. lol We are diluting our work ethics.

  2. I so appreciate your opinion, Okldy ~ and most of all your right to state it AND (in my opinion) the fact that you did not try to shove it down anyone’s throat. You are obviously very passionate about it. I happen to agree with you, but for those who do not I hope they can respect your right (at least I think it’s still a right) to free speech. Blessings to you ~

  3. Okldy, I agree with what you wrote and I voted for the wrong man twice also and so hope that we would have a new person in the White House . Well lets hope and pray that our country will survive these next 4 years. I am worried for my grandsons and hope they can find jobs when they get out of school. Thanks for sharing this Okldy.

  4. I am 100 per cent with your post. Brilliant quote from Jefferson. Brilliant quote and observation from Margaret Thatcher…or should I say yet another one!

  5. I don’t find this offensive at all. Each to his own opinion. The USA insures the right to free speech and you should be able to say what you want and not be censured. Yes this is a chat site, but if you are an American..then we should practice what we preach…

    1. Thank you Lo.. unbelievable how this works.. If it was a Pro-Obama blog the person would have every right to state their opinion as well. How is stating what YOU believe or feel strongly about “forcing”? I’ll never figure that out. Did it “force” someone to change their opinion? Their vote? Are we unaware that there are others w/ differing opinions in this world? Isn’t that what makes the world so interesting? Why can’t we live and let live without trying to silence opposing voices? By this stage of our lives we’re not supposed to just be adults, but we’re supposed to be “mature” adults. Let’s give each other some grace, shall we?

      1. Millie thank you so much for your comments and trying to bring this post back to what I had intended which was how I felt 2 days after the election… period.Therefore “forcing” opinion on anyone was really a “mute” point. It was over.
        We just all now have to live and deal with whatever happens.

        God Bless America

  6. Well said millie. The voters spoke and we have to live with it for four more years. I too don’t understand why some feel others should be censored when they disagree. America was founded
    and fought for the very values that we love and freely enjoy today….well what’s left of it.
    Great post okidy! I am not for the party but yet for a free prosperous America. When you tax the so called rich out of existence someone please-please tell me where are you going to raise revenue? Rich people are the ones and the only ones creating a tax base. Yes we as workers pay taxes but we work for “the rich person”. What do you think will happen to any economy when we don’t work and generate revenue? Yes there are those who need. There are more free loaders than needy! Btw I did start a group “Politics” Who shall censor? 🙂 “J”

    1. I don’t understand demonizing the wealthy. We need them, whether you like their values or political views etc. They employ people. They insure people. They make huge donations to charities that are never mentioned in the media. Mitt Romney just gave 10 Million dollars to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy Relief! Yes, he gave it to my Progressive state that voted for Obama. If you want a job, you don’t go to a poor person and ask for one, do you? When they pull their money out of the stock market, YOUR savings and 401 K’s plummet. You lose! Think it’s time we stop berating the wealthy..but just my opinion.

      1. Well said, lo1234. Our family business depends on the wealthy to build their first and second homes and investors to build resorts and commercial buildings. When the rich quit spending, our economy is in trouble, and we all suffer.

  7. well i’m sorry (well,not really) but i’m not offended..i may not agree with what others have to say about our government but last time i looked we still had freedom of speech..come on,people…nobody forced you to read this blog or any other blog..you don’t agree with what’s written move on to the next one..i don’t like a lot of what is written on here as i feel it should be posted else where but it’s rob site and he says ok.. i don’t read the blogs i don’t find interesting…and nobody has forced me to read any,either..let’s keep this discussion a discussion and not a war..

  8. Hmmm…blush. Did you just voice your opinion?! That is all I did was voice mine. As far as ranting? I don’t have any exclamations in my post. You say you voted for Obama, well that is fine and you won so what is the problem? If you don’t want to hear or read anything negative against him you will have to stay away from all media for like the next 4 years…..sorry.

  9. The truth may hurt, but it is never offensive. What you have written, okldy, is absolutely the truth, and last I checked, we still do have the right to free speech in this country. The President of the United States is supposed to work for us and for the good of the country, not the other way around; We have every right to object if he is not doing his job. The fact that the monies we all work so hard for are taken from us by the federal government, without our permission, and used to benefit people we do not know, and to fund programs we neither approve of, or take part in, is what is offensive to me; Under normal circumstances, it would be called ‘theft’. Those quotations by Thomas Jefferson and Margret Thatcher are as true today as they were when they were first spoken, and I’m glad you included them in your post. Thank you, okldy.

    1. Here here Normi!!
      If I could keep the money the government “takes” from me I could likely pay off my mortgage in 10 sooner years. Or perhaps I could use it the revenue to hire more workers and that would generate more taxes. Say what one will but
      Obama is not for the working and business people of this great country. Who wouldn’t vote for Santa Clause? Again, great post okidy and great reply Normi. free speech for everyone 🙂

    2. Thank you for your post. Very uplifting…thank you again Normi. I never have been all that political until the last decade. All (I think) want their offsprings to have a better life then they had. I think it is called the “American Dream?” Anyway in that decade I had to start paying attention. All of a sudden it is just work (well over 8 hours) and eat and sleep when you can to keep what I can. I don’t even want to think about my son and the challenges he will face at my age. He as we speak is already working 12-15 hours a day to get ahead.

      1. Like you, I was never particularly interested in politics either until 9/11 shook our world. Now I am awake and trying to be as educated as possible about history as well as current events. No one can make good decisions without good information to base them on. I appreciate you, ms okldy.

  10. This was not a bad exercise in the end. It allowed us to express our thoughts. We can be thankful we have the freedom of speech to do so. It is not bad to be passionate about things that are important to us. If we can do so in a respectful way, there is nothing wrong in dicussing issues. Wishing you all a good day and hoping we can continue to be friends even if we have different opinions.

    1. Blush, no apologies are necessary. You should have let your post stand with the rest of them. Everyone’s opinion is valuable, we all have the right to be heard, and to disagree with each other. As I said earlier, we are all friends here.

    2. No need to apologize. We all have our own opinions and it does help to get other opinions …….World Peace is not really an option here in my opinion…lol. Agreeing to disagree is though I would hope.

  11. Yes, I think that is well said, Normi.
    I know we will agree and disagree on many things in chatters, but at the end of the day, we still respect everyone’s opinions and friendships.
    (By the way, it is lovely to see you back normi, you have been missed!! )

  12. You know what upsets me? No one voted for me. Not any of you. I would create jobs..(I need someone to clean my house, fix my computer, etc.), I would secure our bounders (put up signs that say “Come on in but first you have to read political posters for six months”), I would force congress to live by the same laws they pass for citizens, (retirement, health, vacations,etc.) and I would force a bipartisan team to work together to come up with the right decision…that is best for all. Okay… who wants to be my campaign manager? When can we start raising money? Should I start wearing red, white and blue? What should my campaign slogan be….”Vote for a Woman on a Mission!” Blessings to all …vote for me and I will create a free photo for you.

    1. Linda you have my vote! And Chalk could be your campaign
      manager. He could help with your slogans and I will type up
      posters to distribute around the US. Okay, I’m ready for my new
      photo 🙂 xo

  13. and please remember..obama is just a man with a title and a whole lot of worries…i bet he knew he would upset some people and some people would talk badly of him…it comes with the job as president…and i wouldn’t want his job for anything..lol..and he’s not losing any sleep over any of our discussions here…

  14. Free stuff? Any veteran knows that freedom isn’t free. The people giving the free stuff are going
    to get a new grasp on reality when others stop defending them.

    After the massive blunders of the last GOP president I would be surprised to see another GOP president anytime in the near future, if ever, and definitely not until they come to grips with
    reality. You don’t invade another country half way around the world because of weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist and then say OOPs. Not only did it not solve the problem
    (since the problem didn’t exist) but it caused a much worse problem. The IRAQ regime we invaded and overthrew was the main enemy and obstacle to IRAN (an almost entirely shia country that over the course of the war had many many more resources to focus on developing nuclear weapons instead of defending itself from IRAQ). Also IRAQ is approximaltely 2/3’s shia just like IRAN and since the war the 2 countries are getting closer and closer and very well may end up allies. Oh there was winner to the IRAQ war and the winner was IRAN.
    The stupid incompetent decisions made by our presidents do matter and we veterans and our families get to deal with them everyday. Not just the trillions of dollars wasted on a war that never should have been fought (the current president has now finally gotten us out of IRAQ) but also the difficulty of veterans getting the medical services and benefits they were promised. Statistics show a huge number of the homeless are children and veterans, some as high as 40% of homeless are children and 20% of homeless are veterans.
    To add fuel to the fire when the last GOP president took office one of the biggest issues was what to do with all the excess taxes coming in due to the economy he inherited from Clinton doing so well. But by the time the last GOP president left office one of the biggest issues was how to stop us from going into a depression.

    So you can complain all you want about our current president but as a wartime vet and a father of a current soldier its easy to see the current president is working just as hard to keep us out of stupid wars as the previous GOP president spent getting us into them.

    1. Okay, James.. your points are well taken. But I believe our greatest error is never going back to the root of the problem. This is what has gotten us where we are today. We are so busy being reactionary, trying to solve the immediate problems based on someone’s “perceived” need that we are, in essence, putting a band aid on the problem instead of treating the “infection” with an antibiotic – in my opinion, the only way to actually SOLVE the problem. Instead of looking at why so many of the homeless are children and veterans, we rush to solve their temporary needs. There is a place for that, of course, while you are teaching better ways to counteract the current situation.. making the veterans employable, NOT rewarding people for having babies that they cannot afford but rather teaching the parents a trade, counseling them in being more responsible. . that type of thing. As long as we continue w/ the status quo we are not giving incentive to better ourselves, work for what we receive instead of expecting handouts and constantly sponging off those of us who are not only willing and able but eager to do our part… even working 2 and 3 jobs if necessary in order to provide for ourselves and our own. I am so tired of my party being demonized in the media, as those who hate or who have no love just because we have standards and strong convictions. I ask you, what parent loves more… the one who teaches their child how to fend for themselves in this world…or the one who coddles and protects them their whole lives, keeping them utterly dependent upon the parent for their every need? Just something to ponder…

      P.S. I think this president can put away the “inherited mess” card now, since he has successfully tripled our nation’s debt…He has jeopardized the futures of our children and grandchildren every bit as much as any ‘ill- conceived’ war. Seems every president makes grave mistakes.. They need to be willing to own them, learn and work toward making a better future for all of us – even if it means changing their mind and tactics…

      1. Veterans just want the benefits they were promised. Giving the rich tax cuts while not adequately caring for our wounded and disabled is pathetic. Also giving the rich tax cuts while leaving children out on the street to fend for themselves is also pathetic.
        How does that one bible verse go, It’s easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.
        Just give veterans the benefits they were promised, many of the homeless have post traumatic stress, give them the medical care they deserve and get children off the street.

        You lost the presidential election get over it and also get used to it.

        1. Another very good verse, James, is feed a man a fish and he eats ONE meal, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. Interesting how u throw the word “hate” around referring to the opposing viewpoint, yet u brandish such disdain and pure, blatant hatred for anyone who disagrees with you. Let us all kill each other? really? You try to cut down a person and make them feel small, stupid, insignificant, because why? they’re on the opposing side? You are the very reason that politics is discouraged from being discussed on this site.. It’s because u cannot stop your hatred, cruelty and disparaging remarks toward a person because of their political or personal beliefs. I challenge you to check your own heart and see what lives there, dear.

          1. I’m not the one that started this sour grapes post.

            your party lost the presidential election, seats in the senate , and seats in the house.

            also your party has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections and were huge losers of 25 and below and big losers from 35 and below. the writing is on the wall.

        2. There has to come a time when Bush is stopped being blamed for our current economic and foreign policy problems. He certainly started this fiscal mess, never saying ‘no’ to the spending bills that passed his desk, and got us entrenched in two wars, but you must remember that Obama and the Democrats had control of both the House and Senate for two full years. What did they do for our beloved veterans during that time or since? It’s obvious that veterans were not Obama’s top priority, nor were jobs, the economy, or foreign policy, otherwise we wouldn’t be discussing this situation now. I’m afraid that what all of us are going to have to ‘get used to’ is higher taxes on everyone and on everything we buy, including our health care premiums, and the loss of our personal freedoms due to the huge number of new regulations that are going into effect as we speak. James, truth is, we all lost the election, and for now, we all have to live with it.

          1. Whats obvious to you sounds more like fox news.

            What should be obvious to you is that after losing the popular vote 5 of the last 6 presidential elections , the majority of Americans disagree with you, and the younger they are the more they disagree with you.

        3. James, Seniors also want the benefits they were promised. I also know that a lot of the rich are giving millions at a time to various progarams. They are not always in the US but it is their money. They should be able to decide How they want to spend it. Only God knows what is in the hearts of rich or poor. As far as the lost or won comment. I am not sure at this point as to whom ‘won and lost’ But if in your opinion we have lost and you all have won….well that is pretty much what this discussion is about….Instead of get over it…why can’t we all just try to work together?

          1. Republicans are the ones trying to cut back on the benefits for seniors not Democrats. Democrats want there to be more cutbacks in our military spending (we do spend more then the rest of the world combined) instead of cutbacks to senior programs.

            Agree everyone should be able to decide how they spend their money. But the super rich like Romney should not be paying a lower percentage of taxes then there secretaries but they do. How is that fair? I couldn’t agree more about working together, actually am a moderate republican but the conservative wing of the party has gone haywire. I mean the Republican party lost the presidential election, lost seats in the senate, and lost seats in the house but instead of admitting they lost now there is discussion about who really lost.

            when you lose 3 out of 3 , you lost.

    2. James,
      First I want to thank you and your son for serving our country. I have a Marine preparing to redeploy his second tour to Afghanistan in June. You do make a valid point right up to where you mentioned the previous GOP president. Let me make a few simple points here; first, vets are unemployed because of the current president.
      If you will look back during the Bush administration there were vets being employed at all levels of the public and private sector. Second, you say freedom isn’t free and then you said the war is senseless. Please tell me sir, How should we have responded to 911? How many times have we murdered nearly 3,000 people in the name of Alah and hate? If I read correctly you contradicted yourself on that. Obama has had 4 years to at least stop the economic bleeding of this country sir. Yet we all know the state of affairs now verses 2008. I agree we were in a recession when Obama took office but we are now much closer to socialism and in the worst debt I have witnessed in my lifetime. What about the Americans killed in Libya? He had the power to stop that senseless attack and he did nothing. What about the weapons situation with Holder? Wonder why he may be leaving his post after one Obama term? I could go on with this but we know when one’s mind is made up there’s no changing it. One last comment, With all due respect to you as a vet sir, I think you have been handed a bill of socialism and hatred for America by the american liberal media. Again, you do make a good point as far as the wars go but you of all people sir know freedom is not free. America is hated for her success and her liberty and the Freedom she stands for. I am 56 years old and I have never seen a president divide a people like this one has. I talk too much sometimes LOL

      1. First am glad to hear at least one of those preaching hate and war are at least risking something (that’s the exception not the rule). It’s unfortunate that the hate and war preachers from both sides couldn’t all be put in a state somewhere and let you kill each other off, now that would be justice, and would solve many of the worlds problems for the rest of us. War should always be the last resort not the first. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and trying to use that for an excuse really brands one as a pure hater, just wanting to revenge kill, even when you know it’s not the right people.
        I didn’t cover a dozen rambling issues like you did, every once in awhile you made a little sense, but you sounded more like fox news then the truth.
        We should have never invaded Iraq, it made no sense, and actually helped IRAN get closer to having a nuclear bomb. If it wasn’t the worst decision ever made by an American president it was right up there. It cost trillions of dollars, hurt our national interests by helping IRAN, justifiably angered most of the arab’s , even angered many of our allies, cost many American lives, badly disabled a large number of Americans, and an enormous number of Iraqi lives, for a lie.

        You lost the election and should get used to it. The GOP has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections and unless your party finally gets in touch with reality its going to be decades before you ever win another. The elderly 55 + were the large number of republican voters and the young 25 – were the large number of democrat voters. It’s easy to see the direction that’s going in.
        It’s easy for 55+ to talk war but it’s the 25- who have to fight them, no wonder the young don’t want a hater as president (the stupidity of Iraq will be remembered a long time).
        You complain about Obama’s dealing with the economy and jobs but again he inherited a total mess, and you complain that he hasn’t cleaned up Bush’s mess fast enough, but you don’t complain about the idiot that caused it (his solution of paying for 2 wars by giving tax cuts was absolutely brilliant, wonder why no one had ever tried that before? lol. and the deficit is Obama’s fault? right, that takes all the common sense of adding and subtracting).
        The stock market was tanking and there was a real fear of an upcoming depression (just for the record that was the worst economic situation in America in over 70 years). The value of the stock market has doubled from when W left but you have a problem with Obama and not W that makes no sense at all (well maybe fox news sense,lol). The chart showing private jobs created during W’s presidency is a steady line down and the chart showing private jobs created during Obama’s presidency is a steady line up but again you have a problem with Obama and not W that also makes no sense at all (well maybe fox news sense,lol).

        1. So you don’t respect your elders? That was one of the first things I was taught. The first was to love and not hate. But as far as the younger generation voting this President in. I would really like to see how many of them are sitll living at home. I know alot of seniors are now having to deal with that. This is after they worked hard all there life to put them through college which most were not able to do themselves. They can’t hardly find jobs..let alone run the country. I understand the young have to fight the wars and it breaks my heart. 911 changed so many things. WE basically are going to have to work together to get these things worked out, and I am talking about now. Not the past…Today

          1. I am a war veteran and am not against fighting wars that need fought. But am against fighting stupid wars. There was never any connection between Iraq and 9/11 . It was a total waste and even benefited Iran. The young aren’t afraid to fight but don’t want to fight stupid meaningless wars.

            It may break your heart but it kills them.
            I just think those that are so pro war should go right ahead, there is nothing stopping you.

        2. James, let me guess, you get your information from the mainstream media—ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN, right? Well, perhaps if you would open your mind a bit, and look at Fox New, Breitbart, The Drudge Report, and the other sources of information available to you, you would have more accurate facts to draw from. I know you won’t believe me but Obama took 716 billion dollars out of Medicare to fund Obamacare, and he also has plans to cut the military and the number of nukes to less than the Russians and China. It was Romney who wanted to improve our military in order to keep us safe. He believes in peace through strength like Reagan did, but we’ll never know how that would have worked, will we. It is also a fact, James, that those rich folks you dislike so much pay 70% of the federal incomes taxes while 50% of the population pay no income taxes at all. You can thank the current tax codes for that. I think that’s all I have to say on the subject. I too thank you for your service.

  15. As a veteran of 9 years myself, I have a very different view of how the current President is handling our defenses. With the weakening of our foreign policies, we have now seen Egypt, Libya, and perhaps Syria as well being toppled.. Three cheers for democracy in action… oops wait a sec… who’s replacing the current leaders? We don’t even know these people and have little to no dialog in place with them. At least with the previous leaders, our intel was thorough, we knew what we were dealing with. Now, you can throw all that out the window.. The most volatile region on the planet and we know next to nothing about these folks. Gosh, I feel SO much more secure knowing Obama is in charge, don’t you?

    Think about it… in 2008 we handed the reins to someone who had never held any kind of executive office. The result after 4 years? There is no leadership. Everything is wishy washy… the economy could go either way, no stability there. Foreign relations are just as unstable. Energy issues? Oil prices bouncing up and down with no clear vision to get things stabilized.

    With regard to the core issue, no one can deny that there is a problem in the welfare state. The answer is not to throw money and food at the problem, but to invest in the person’s future with real usable skill training in careers where shortages exist. Give a person a chance to build their own American dream. Oh wait, that doesn’t exist anymore, everyone has to be equal, don’t you dare make more than anyone else.

    1. Chalk that was great! I could not have said it better. Someone who really understand how a democracy is suppose to operate. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life. If we budgeted our education system ( without the unions ) as we do the entitlement programs think of how prosperous and strong America would be. Ronald Reagan warned us of this generation of big government. How quick we forget history.

    2. Its easy to say there are problems in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. So what is your solution, invade them all? That didn’t work in Iraq at all. All we accomplished was to eliminate Iran’s biggest enemy and allow Iran to use there resources to speed up building a nuclear bomb.

      1. When exactly did I ever say anything about invading anyone? And do not assume I was in favor of the Iraq war, I wasn’t. Please do try and stick to what is really said versus some ideological diatribe fed to you by the democratic party.

        My thoughts I’ve posted are based on facts that are readily available to anyone who seeks the truth regardless of which party is in office at the time.

        If you truly think Obama is any better than Bush, then you’re kidding yourself.

  16. First welcome back normi….ok lets try to sort this out…i see most of you voted against our President…thats ok, its your right. So Obama is our president for the next 4 years, he won re-election. So whether you like him or not he is our president…start showing some respect for the office he holds. I listen to all the hate on talk radio and cable news networks and in a way i can see some of the results of it here. Flash…..turn off cable news and talk radio..they are Opinion News outlets…and will never give you the facts, only division. It is sad to see the end of the Republican party as we knew it….i feel bad for all mainstream republicians…you have lost your way and need to take your party back from all the radicals. As for the so called rich and job creators.. lower taxes do not create jobs, oh and by the way only 4% of the population are on welfare in this country, the real welfare moochers are the top 1 % with all their tax breaks and subsides. So stop demonizing the poor. During the Clinton years the top tax rate was 39% and he created 22 million jobs in America…during the Bush years when he lowered the tax rate to 35% in his 8 years only 2 million jobs were created. Look it up….he also passed the medicare part D which wasn’tin the budget…2 wars which weren’ paid for..so yes George Bush was a complete failure as president. Not to mention over 4000 lives lost in a war we had no business starting. gee how quick we forget…goodnight all and have a nice day.

    1. Ghost, With all due respect, You had to get that script from Harry Reid. First of all I hold high regard for the office of the President. I do not hod any respect for the one holding it. We are about to swear this man in for a second term and I am still hearing “it’s Bush’s fault , Unbelievable. Ghost I really don’t know you that well but I really did think of you as more educated than to believe 4% are on welfare. Are you really kidding me? I sure don’t know where you are getting your stories but that isn’t facts according to state and federal statistics. In my state alone the welfare to work 34% welfare! Now maybe I am totally off here but if I am I would challenge you to produce the document facts of your numbers. I am not even going to explain again to you how the economic system works. How many poor people have you ever worked for? This is yet again another example of socialism, take from the haves and share it with the will-nots! No one has demoralized the poor. The poor have and will always be with us. The best way not to be poor is to have a job. How do we get jobs?> Leave the so called
      “rich man” and let him create jobs for the poor to work. I was once poor and I assure you I didn’t achieve my success from the Obama types. I got mine sir from the “rich man” By hate talk radio I presume you must be referring to “conservative ” talk. Why do liberals have facts and the conservatives have hate? If it’s real fact it’s hate in a liberal’s mind. Sir the real moochers as you say are not the top 1% ! They are the ones being mooched off of from the “will nots” and our government. Sir if only 4% are on welfare Obama would have only got 4% of the vote LOL. I assure you that he played Santa Clause to the moochers and that got him the vote this time too. I could go on with this subject but it’s obvious you cannot change a liberal’s mind. I am sorry that you think capitalism is hate.
      I am sorry you think the conservatives hate the poor. I am sorry you think Obama is such a good president when the economic facts bare otherwise. But for the love of America stop blaming Bush and hold this man accountable for his actions. I am done with this tread and the subject. I hope you the best.