The family were travelling a respite centre to visit an 84 year old man, on the way there part of a conversation went like this!!

Teen year old boy Tommy asked Mother!. ” Why do we come to visit Grandpa every week?”
Mother replied! ” You are too young to under stand!”

Son asked. ” Why can’t i still Play foot ball with my friends like i have been.”
Farther also replied. ”You are too young to understand!”

Any way the family make the visit and see the elderly gent.

On the journey home the subject of football on sundays was raised bu the son again, farther became concerned for the son raising the issue again and replied

”When Grandpa CROAKS you can start playing football again.”

Young Tommy sitting in the back seat started thinking how this could come about, in fact he could not get it out of his mind for the next week.

The following Sunday the same ritual. The family were sitting around the the room when more visitors came, also family of the Gramdpa.

After a time all conversation ceased and Grandpa said to his number one Grand son.!
”Tommy you should be doing other thing and not have come here every Sunday!”

To this Tommy replied ” Grandpa can you CROAK LIKE A FROG”
Grandpa asked!. Why do you ask me thatTommy/”

To this Tommy replied. ” Well when you croak Dad will take me to football on Sundays and the season is nearly over”

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