The Path of Life

One day as I walked along the corridors of this chatters site I came to a cold and windy area,…My mind started thinking over my life how as a kid I thought it would be…,as we in the later part of our lives often do ..I moved around the corner and sat on a seat. My legs not being what they once were….Had my life turned out as I had wanted it to be?…was I happy in the things that I had done ……were there things I would do differently …..are there things I am still going to do?……all these ran through my mind.

My imagination had given me a different life when I was young…. handsome man ,marriage kids and love ….happy ever after……Oh everything was going to be good. Alas things don”t turn out like that my Mum used to say…..“Man proposes and God dispossess… true.Yes I had my share of the good as well as the bad……never really thought I shouldn’t get bad as well as others.

Along cane a happy soul sat on the seat beside me ,he started chatting about the weather as we do,then started to ask me questions,…… were I came from things about myself I started to answer,.. he then asked me if I was happy here on this cold seat. Of course why wouldn’t I be happy here? he just said well there is a warm spot over in that place ,pointing into the distance…….then got off and walked away.

I started to think of the unjusticeses in life……I though of all those girls that had had babies back in the sixties …..and the orphanage where I worked ,the many girls who never got to see their babies ,because they were taken away as soon as they were born. as they believed it was the right thing to do. ,who believed that girls shouldn’t keep them if not married.I wondered if I should have been more caring and thoughtful towards them.Let more of them see the baby that was going up for adoption,but at 18 or so I was not as good as I am now at bucking the system if I thought it was wrong .I did go to pick them up from the hospital and let them nurse the baby if they wanted,against strong orders not to let them see the baby,now I tell; you in a taxi with the mother how could you not let her see the baby.I let her carry it .

While sitting thinking a couple of ladies sat down chatting away telling me of their shopping, the things they bought and the bargains they got…….invited me to come for coffee over in that other direction, as it was to cold on this seat .They ambled off as I said i was content here thanks . A gentleman sat down heaved a sigh and lit a smoke.I asked wasn’t he worried about smoking now ,he looked at me and said,
“At our age don”t you think we can do as we want.” Then got up and walked off.
I wondered why can”t we do as we want, we have spent our lives doing as others wanted ,……yes too right we can do as we want.

So we cant really do as we like as others live in this world and rely on us all the time, if we get to involved in our own wishers others get hurt, so its part of the way we have to live ,,,,,,think of others .A man came along told me he was unhappy his wife didn’t understand him,he was very afraid he was going to do something he wouldn’t be proud of.You want to come have a drink with me over there ,…..pointing to the place in the distance…..After saying no not a good idea he went off in that direction.

I sat thinking where in my life I thought I was along the lines of the one I had imagined it would be .Had I gone down the right paths or had I drifted off to the place that was over there in the distance …..I hoped I was here doing things that made my life worthwhile .I hoped I hadn’t hurt people by my going down the path I followed.

There were many times I was tempted and went the wrong way ,but hope I am back on the right path now.

Where are you on this path?????

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  1. Just a wonderful post mac, and all the reasons I love you and your kind caring soul.

    Where am I on this path? Think I am right where I should be, married to the right person, doing the right job for me, all different from what I expected given my dysfunctional birth family and so much better than expected. There are things in the past I would do better given the opportunity, however that is how you learn and end up on the right path.

    Well done mac a post for thought and consideration. Thank you xxxxxx

  2. Jcb you say the sweetest things things ,I am glad I came into your lives because it means you all came into mine when I needed it most. thank you .xxxxxxx mac

  3. Macathy….. Very profond, made me stop and think about my Life’s Path….. Upon reflection I realize that I can not change where I have been……. but I can work on the path that is in front of me. And accept the good, bad and unforseen. This was probably one of the blogs I have read……. Thank you Mac, you are a beautiful person ….xx

  4. Great blog mac – unfortunately I believe I am on the wrong path and keep praying that God will bring me to the right path soon. I have made some bad decisions and I am paying for them now. Never mind, we all have to find our way sooner or later – for me sooner would be great. xoxoxox

    1. foreveryoung sorry if you have had hard times.. sometimes its not the wrong path ,but the one we are ment to follow,…it is not always the one we would like as you have found out…..but these paths are here for us to learn and to hekp us…..xxxxxxx…mac

  5. Macathy you have beautiful soul and your story reflects that in excellent detail
    of everyday life.
    No one ever said life is fair but even in those circumstances to to choose the
    higher path irregardless will bring forth fruition in its time macathy has so did so well with her story. xxxoooxxx

  6. The first lesson in life I ever taught my kids was not to expect life to be fair. Just by accepting that fact, makes life a little easier when the path gets a little bumpy.That story is lovely reading Mac ,,thank you x

  7. Illgner good lesson …I always say that why shouldn’t you have hard times ,you are no better then the next person ,we get dealt things in life it’s all about how we deal with them . Thanks for reading my post Mac