The Passing of Time.

When I was small i enjoyed the moment ,the here and now …no thought was given to the next minute… it was now..the present… everything i needed now couldnt wait .I remember how long it took till my birthday waiting waiting …Christmas seemed to take forever ….the year was an eternity…. the things I really was excited about seemed to take forever to arrive ….time moved slowly it seemed
I spent a lot of time thinking about things to come …I would plan them in my mind down to the last detail ..going over every second ..immagining how it would be ..leave out no moment ..spend days thinking about it….one would say I was a dreamer i suspect….I also dreamed and planned out how my life would be.. the things i would do.. and the man i wanted to marry .
Well we all know that things never turn out as we plan them….well they don’t turn out as we dream them either …but my life turned out fairly well realy..and time moved on at a faster pace it seems….the dreaming was not as evident too busy bringing up my kids and living life …happy and sad I learnt that life still went on ….things happened to me that I though was the end of the world ……like when my father in law died ..I remember walking out of that hospital feeling so sad and the the shock I felt that the world was still going on as if nothing happened …..that was my first experence of death up close…i wanted the world to stop and feel as I did…time seemed to go very slow in the next few days ….I felt every moment of those days after his death.
There was more deaths to deal with after that …but I had learnt that the world wasnt going to stop for my grief…..I had to deal with it in my own way ….I got through my three babies deaths and funerals ..then my mothers …. I remember getting the phone call early in the morning … time again just bearly moved I went out ..walked in the early morning around the streets aimlessly ….not knowing where or what I was going to do without my mother …..seemed it was the pattern of my life…. death in these few years …time is also a healer so with the passing of time I managed to get my life back into some kind of order.
Time once again moved on seemed to get faster kids left school …..seemed only yesterday they were starting school here it is today the youngest has left …..where has the time gone..seems to be raceing ahead ….the weeks getting faster ..only seems like yesterday we were celebrating Christmas now its only six months left …how time flies .
Time moves on matter how much we want it to stop or go faster .. it just moves at the same pace .its us that feels it moving fast or slow…now I sit and wonder where time went …remember my young days …how it took forever …then my married days it seemed to race ahead no way could I slow it dowm….never enough time to do the things I needed to do…My dreaming and planning still in place but now not so many things to plan….Time now seems to have settled down …just moves along at a steady pace no long waiting …no rushing ….it takes it time arrives at the same time…. funny how it has settled down …took such a long time ,but at last its relised that rushing isnt the best way to go … now its nice and evenly timed…its like us can take a rest and think about things …how it should be ….time to savor all the wonderful things its missed along the journey of time.
Time is a wonderful thing …healer …friend…can be kind …crewl….can be your friend or enemy
but one thing is its yours …so use it wisely in the time you have left ….for one thing we do not know is .. HOW MUCH TIME IS OURS …or ever was ours ……love mac xxxxx

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  1. oh kathy…you made me cry…you speak with your heart…and it went right into mine….I’m a bit emotional at the moment…this blog triggered something perhaps
    hidden and waiting to be dealt with somewhere in my being…to have lost three children its something I can’t even imagine what it would be like…it took me years to get some consolation after i’ve lost my first born…time it’s a wonderful tool …it’s so very true…but it is also true that not many of know how to make the most of every moment we have…something to really think about…
    Kathy people come into our lives for a reason…a season…or a lifetime…well I think you are here for a” reason”…Thank You…

    1. nmod thanks for reading and glad that you liked it …death is something that effects everyone in different ways …so sorry about your babies death nmod i know its there for ever the hurt hugs xxxxx love mac

  2. macathy you wrote that from the heart sweetheart. it was a lovely story full of sadness and happiness. you have a warm heart macathy and i am honoured to be your friend.

  3. This really was something I needed… I lost my 6 yr old son to cancer, had 3 miscarriages. Have one wonderful daughter. I lost a husband when I was 30.. I ran a dialysis machine at home for almost a yr.. and he developed coplications and passed away. I thought I had found love .. and did for 11 yrs. then divorced. Found my best friend.. we were together 20 yrs. married in 1996… He passed away from Melanoma … tomorrow will be one year. I am just coming around again. I found this site…. thank you xxxx’s

    1. Sorry doglover you have had to deal with a lot of losses ,,but time will work its thing and you will get through it…….thanks for reading …….mac

  4. Wonderful blog mac – as others have said – from the heart. Time is a healer, but unfortunately in my situation it is a waiting game for the “time” I can be “free” again to enjoy what life has for “me”.
    Doglover I am so sorry for your losses and I am truly glad that you have found Senior Chatters to help you along your journey. There are lots of wonderful people here who care and will support you whenever you need it. Take care xoxox