The Origin of Words #1

Not sure why I’m posting this but someone used the word ”knack” recently in conversation and for whatever reason it made me wonder why it was ever invented to describe ”having natural talent or ability”… So here is how I think the conversation might have gone the first time someone used the word ”knack”…

”Hey, you’ve got quite a knack there!”

”A knack? Where?”

”Well I don’t rightly know where knacks are located, but nevertheless you have one.”

”I don’t think I bloody want one. Sounds like a malfunctioning joint or perhaps a thought that’s gotten stuck in me brain piping. Makes me want to call someone wot can remove knacks.”

”Oh hardly. It’s a compliment actually!”

”A compliment? You march into my personal space accusing me of possessing some crippling disorder and then expect me to be appreciative?”

”No no no. You have completely misunderstood my intentions here! I’m merely trying to tell you that you are quite good at your work.”

”Well, if you ask me, you sound knackered!”

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  1. Knack could have many meanings…depending how you in in a sentence:

    I don’t give a knack!
    How would you like a knack right across the bum?
    I have too many nicks in my knack.
    I met this knack on SC…. he has a way with words.
    Hey, look, she is knacked up.
    A knack of possum bellies.

    I would do better if I was knackered.