The old house .

Walking over the hill, feeling very peaceful and content. The weather was so warm, the wild flowers were blooming, such a pretty sight. Franny had so much to look forward to and the walk had made her forget everything, but the enjoyment of the moment. Life was going to be so good now she felt, how could it be anything else on such a beautiful day, made her start to run back down the hill back to the life she was trying to escape from when she started the walk.

Franny started to think of the things she could change to make her life better. First thing is to accept things and remember that there are things in your life,you cannot change no matter how hard you try, you just have to do the best you can. Second is to get help and see what there is around to help you. Now, this one was hard for she was always the first to give help, but to ask for help was very hard. β€œI have to do this I cant do it anymore myself,” thought Franny.

The house stood at the bottom of the street, nestled in amongst the trees so it was half hidden until you came around the bend of the street.Then it just seemed to jump out at you seemed to look at you as if to say β€œCome on in enter if your game.” The light in the back glowed red, as if telling you it wasn’t an ordinary house. All the windows were open the blue curtains blowing in the gentle breeze, the house definitely was on a tilt waiting to fall over and out of sight.

Opening the door Franny walked into the house, noticed that the dishes were still on the table, she picked up the tray sitting there and started putting the dishes on it. She carried them to the sink and washed them up,thinking about the changes she was going to make in her life. Wasn’t going to be easy, explaining would be the hardest! Finishing the dishes Fanny walked up the steps to the room at the top, she always liked this room in the old house, was just a small room but had a lovely old window seat she could curl up on and dream of wonderful days gone by. Sitting down now she looked out the window and wondered when she could get started on the things that needed to be done. Franny drifted off to sleep in the comfort of the old house.

The sun set behind the trees the moon came out shinning its silver light over the old house and Franny slept on. The house took on a difference that was not noticed, but could be felt if you were there. The door opened to the front of the house and seemed to be calling out for someone, there came this moaning ,crying sound, that echoed throughout the rooms and into the erie night. The night fell silent and then the sound of someone walking into the house could be heard, footsteps sounded up the hall and into the room Franny slept in.

Franny shivered and looked around, remembered where she was and closed her eyes again, feeling happy that things were going to change now. She thought β€œNow its time I got up and started changing things, nothing will happen till I do it.” A cold shiver ran down her spine making her shiver and wrap her arms around herself, as she stood up and walked towards the door. As she came closer to the door she turned and was sure she felt someone brush past her, but it was just a fleeting moment and was gone. Franny walked down the stairs and out the front door, thinking I am sure I closed that when I came in.

Walking back down the street as if in a dream, Franny caught the bus back to her home.
Arriving home she went straight to the phone dialled the number and waited,it went to the answering machine and Franny left her message. β€œI visited the house today and I am going to move in with my Nanna. She needs looking after now.”

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  1. A very well written mystery story Kathy , so mysterious that I didn’t get it ! My depleted brain cells didn’t help me to work this one out … I loved the descriptive way you narrated it .
    You are getting to be quiet a writer! Keep them coming ! xxxx

  2. macathy…as always your stories are brilliant!! they get better and better…i keep sayin this and yep sayin it once again…you missed your way girl…you should have bin up there with jackie collins lol!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚