
  1. Wonderful blog – loved it. Very interesting indeed and informative. There is no logical explanation as to why Rasputin was able to resist all the attempts made on his life, nor for his healing abilities. As to his luck with the ladies … well, you don’t come across such a well endowed man every day!!

  2. Hahahahaha. OMG I thought I would die laughing myself.Hahaha here we go….his “righteous ample engorgement” legendary phallus” “Mighty Rod” “Dong” and ending with the “Pilfered pickled pecker” hahahaha. I really shouldn’t read this kind of thing before going to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, think about the sayings and get the giggles at 4am!!!.I just hope the neighbours don’t think I am on the receiving end of one lol

  3. Wonderful story loved it and can’t imagine someone pickled his penis and that is has been on display in Russia. Never read anything before about Rasputin very interesting story.