The Life of a child

I remember a cold, wet, windy night trekking across a snow covered desolate moorland. Stretched out in a line, soldiers, and civilians who would normally hate us. But that night they needed us.

For hours we trudged on and on, searching.

Finally we found her. A little 4 year old girl, laying half frozen and shivering. Whimpering in cold and pain.

One of my mates picked her up, cuddled her close and told her she was safe. He carried her for 6 miles over snow and rough ground until he could put her back in her mother’s arms.

I will never forget the look on that mother’s face. The gratitude for bringing her daughter back to her.

But then we were just doing a job………weren’t we?

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  1. people forget sometimes that soldiers have hearts..they are not killing machines..well our lads are not anyway. One little child lived that day becouse you cared. did more than your job. I wonder if her mother told her that British soldiers found her, and what became of her?…I would like to think she made something of her life…sorry Way…i get a bit carried away over stories like this.

  2. A lovely, warming story, way- no, you and your friends weren’t just doing a job- you were doing so much more, and many people don’t understand or appreciate the humanitarian work often done by ‘the military.’

  3. It is things like this that stay with you forever Way. Too often it is because of the opposite of your story and it is bad news or a bad end of the day result. These are the things that stay with you. I can think of nothing better than giving a parent their child back. You did marvellous. x