I have a rather dim corner that my computer and I live in. Now winter is here it is quite dark and gloomy. Ah hah I thought. I have a small lamp. I’ll use that. So I ferreted around in the back of the cupboard where everything you have been given and will never use gets placed. You know the one. It’s the cupboard that is down the hall, safely away from where your family and guests can see the pile behind the door. It holds those ‘unique’ gifts that the giver loves and you don’t. But you accept them with a smile, and comment how ‘unusual and unique’ they are. And then you put them in the cupboard and they stay there. Well, in there somewhere was a purple table lamp. Now I love purple, but not the pale wishy washy colour this lamp was. OK found it, untangled it from the other inhabitants of the cupboard, removed it, dusted it off and placed it, along with a new light bulb, beside my computer. Plugged it in, and the light was to low. So off I go, and get an old wooden knife stand, nice and round and even on both ends. I place the lamp on top and it’s ok. It’s not perfect, but it’s ok. I can see what I am typing in the chat room. Then I get given a desk lamp, you know the type, screws on to the edge of the desk and you can position it how ever you want. So I unplug the lamp, carefully removing the new light bulb, and put it back in it’s home. The cupboard of no return. I happily assembled the lamp, screwing it to the table and positioned it just right. Woohoo, a light right over the computer. Oh yes. The light bulb. i forgot. Carefully placing it in, I wriggled the bayonet fittings into their proper place and flicked the switch. Nothing. Not a cotton pickin’ thing. Rats!!!! So I took it apart, unscrewing it and packed it away ready to return to my friend. Time to rescue the table lamp. I am sure it grinned at me when I removed it once again from the cupboard of no return. Once again I carefully placed the light bulb into the socket and gently pushed and turned. I then turned the on switch. Nothing!!!! Muttering very bad words under my breath, I took the bulb out and gave it a gentle shake. The filament fell onto the inside of the glass to meet me. Rats again!!!! Blown bulb. Oh no!!!! The other lamp wasn’t broken at all. The bulb had blown. So now I am assembling the desk lamp and screwing it back to the side of the desk and replacing the light bulb with one that actually goes. And there was light lol. Unfortunately, my small table lamp is now consigned back to the cupboard, and just for company I also put the old knife block it was sitting on. Just for company for the lamp you understand. Not to hide it. No no, I would never do that. (Because my cupboard is now very full lol).

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  1. Haha…Ive got a lamp a little like that. It isnt consigned to the hideaway though…mine sits attached to a window ledge for no reason other than it fits there nicely. It is only used if I need to find something I have hidden away in a dark corner and just today I used it as one would a torch (they always go missing) so I could use it to find the power switch in my cylinder, which I still didnt find. So always know where your lamp is and know it will probably still be going when all else fails.

  2. Oh kiwi I loved it ..I was there beside you every step of the way…oh how often have i been in that position of sloving a problem.. only to go back to the start for it to be solved. mac

  3. Know exactly where and what you were doing kiwigirl . Sometimes I spend hours shifting things around because it seemed like a good idea at the time, and it just gets more and more complicated as you go. I t’s all good fun tho…..sort of. Cag xxx

  4. hahhaaa..another good one,kiwi..glad you finally got a working lamp so you can see to write more blogs and to talk to…and what’s wrong with wishy washy purple?…don’t pale wishy washy purple lilacs look beautiful? ….lol..

  5. Oh what a lovely story, kiwi!! Yes, I do believe we all have a cupboard like you are describing!! I think the story would have been better , if you had shared your apple cake with me ….hahahaha 😉