The Gambler’s Choice

That which is eternal is by nature a circle without a beginning or end. God the Father gave all humanity the most precious gift, FREE WILL. At the time of our birth a song of Glory, Love, and Happiness is sung by the Father and the Angels with harmonic ubiquity. It’s at this time that God kisses each child born on the forehead which ignites the lights of our souls. Also a single tear falls from the Father entering our hearts. It’s the first of many times that the Father will tell us of His love. Like our earthly father, all He will ask of us is to let Him help us when the road gets hard to travel, and to answer Him when He tells us that He loves us. It’s knowing that His door is always open and our path is free to walk. Many will refuse the Father’s love by turning their hearts and souls away from His gift of FREE WILL. With that one act of betrayal they will have severed the bonds of righteousness. Without His light all there can be is the ominous treachery of perdition. In the absence of light, there is darkness. The gambling house of Satan’s evil power is what I consider to be hell. At what cost do they throw FREE WILL into the gambling house’s pot of chance? The wind howls like a depraved master erupting from a flaming infernal of hideousness. They can’t reach the point of its conception. The contorted face mask mocks them as their hands try to tear out and destroy the repulsiveness of they hate. But like a troglodyte it’s buried deep within the center. There are shackles that rip with a bloody sickle at the soul and castrate the human spirit, throwing them into a lethal bedlam. They manic nature causes them to exist in a parallel dimension. As they drink from the flask of Satan’s essence. Then in a necrotic metamorphosis they execrate lunacy, which oozes through every cell. This causes them to have a catastrophic state of evilness. Because of this their dimorphism is how Cerberus the dog of war that guards the gate of hell is brought into existence. The choice they make will dictate the life they live and their destiny.

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