The “F” Word

The “F” word is a very powerful word. My cussing was always very mild when young – even right up to my 50s. I will never forget the first time I dropped the “F” bomb and realised its power. My youngest son, in his early twenties at the time, was annoying me to the extent that I got very angry and it just came out of my mouth. The look on my son’s face was priceless – his bottom jaw dropped nearly to his knees – “Did MY mother say that”. The annoyance stopped straight away 🙂

Now in my seventies, bugger, bum, sh.t, doesn’t cut it. As I have become older I don’t care what anyone thinks of me – I don’t pussyfoot around anymore, and if I drop the “F” word, everyone knows I am serious and will not put up with their crap any more. It is actually quite freeing. Of course, I only use it when needed. A friend told me years ago how powerful a word it was, but I would bite my tongue if I even thought about saying it. But, now I am a “senior”, I don’t give a stuff. LOL 🙂

(Not sure if this will get past the pub test, but here goes)

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  1. Oh foreveryoung! I had to laugh and must admit I have joined you and belong in this group. One tries to be polite as was instilled in me as a child but sadly when one swears and cusses it seems to be taken notice of!

  2. Words, have power. I choose to use a different set of words. Any word over used loses its power unless it is a word mostly used by you and it becomes part of your identity. Civility is a goal and after you use your worst words, the next step is a growing level of violence.

    1. Some people just have no sense of humour at all! People pretent to be oh so prim and proper, if only their walls could talk!. Lighten up and enjoy what years you have left. If I drop something, I will mutter and sometimes swear and then laugh at my stupidity. When out or in company I do manage believe it or not to control my language.

  3. An “F” word story. Once when my son was around 3 yrs old, my ex and I and our son were driving to my grandmothers house. Mind you were to meet my parents and grandmother there. My ex passed a car and hardly left room to get around. when we pulled back into our lane he used the ‘F’ word. With that being said our son decided to sing a song about the ‘F’ word. He didn’t know better. My ex and I looked at each other, with little kids you don’t want to make a big deal out of it so I just said Rick, that is a naughty word that daddy should not have used. So with that he stopped and was fine with that explanation. 10 minutes later we pulled up to my grandmothers house…Crisis avoided!!!!

  4. The F word and it’s kin……. At the great risk at being taken to task here as being repressed, prudish, stuck up, prissy and such, I will admit that I don’t use such words myself. This is not to say that I do not cuss on occasion because believe me I do. I have a large collection of cuss words that for me hold great power, relieve the moment and I feel no guilt swearing. How ever If I start a film or play and every other word is the F word I find it so boring, any power the word had quickly evaporates.More than likely I’ll not continue to watch the performance. I do understand that if the film is about uneducated gangsters, in the interests of a portrayal of a reality, I cannot expect them to speak as ladies at a vicarage tea party nor do I. I would appreciate some variation and creativity. Living on an RAF base once, I had an office overlooking a parade ground where new recruits were drilled. Now and again I would hear a sergeant lash into some poor lad for what seemed like 10 minutes of continuous swearing with out repetition or the F word. It was an art form in it’s self. I think this is the point I’m making…… continuous use of one or two vulgar words is not edgy it is just sloppy and lazy…if you need to, make it inventive, colourful and your very own.

    1. Rockflower I do NOT use this word “continuously” – only when extremely angry and nothing else seems to have the wanted ‘IMPACT” Smile, there are worse things 🙂 What is so liberating about this “WORD” is that when it comes from my mouth it astonishes most people LOL 🙂
      I also find it boring if this word is used constantly in a movie, etc. But today’s youth seem to use it as a “coma”.

    2. Rock flower, as usual you present a reasoned statement. I just wondered if people know what the history of the “F” word is. The “F” word is an acronym for “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge”. It was used in legal cases. This was a nice way of saying whatever word was then used. I know in Shakespeare’s Othello tupping was used for the sex act. So if you want to use Shakespeare’s English and have your own words you may use that word instead. I now wonder how many other words are used instead of the “F” word. Is it better to just give them the Finger?

  5. Roseinbloom , carnal knowledge….this constant need to curb the animal, the flesh. The sex act, act of love , act of aggression? ultimate giving or domination and taking? Is the common or slang word for sexual activity always the primary swear word? I know it is in a few languages but is it universally so? I don’t know. In Shakespeare’s time the primary farm animal were sheep, the ram is a tup and his job is to impregnate the ewes,once a year,Tupping is still a term used by sheep farmers. Tup as a sound is not far from the F word but the ing at the end robs the word of thrust which is probably why it is not in much use now. All interesting……..

  6. Good for you Forever Young . I so agree with you. Now that Ive reached 70 I just don’t have the time or patience sometimes and when dealing with really annoying people sometimes the shock treatment really works …..You can see them thinking “ Did that old lady REALLY say THAT ! “ Wonderfully empowering at times. Agree that it’s to be reserved for times of most impact. Every other word just dilutes it’s power. I think you have it absolutely right . Bravo.
    Ps. Also find as it’s Internationally known it can be used to quite good effect when you just can’t think of the right word in the other persons language or in fact if you have no common language but you just know the other person is being a F’n Sh…t

  7. Love your comment dimitra, and I don’t usually use that language, but as I have stated, I use that word for impact when nothing else will do. It certainly works, for me anyway 🙂