Talk about staying power…

‘Tis ihe season…most every shopping mall in town has a spot reserved for him..the Post Office no doubt is receiving bushels of mail destined for the North Pole…and kids everywhere have started the countdown to his arrival. Songs have been written about him… and a poem that’s read or recited every year at this time. If you haven’t already guessed by now, I’m talking about Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Father Christmas, or whatever name you know him by.
I was watching our local Santa Claus parade last weekend and from time to time, the TV cameras would pan out across the crowd. While the kids seemed to enjoy all the brightly coloured floats and marching bands, it was clear who they were there for. As the float carrying the jolly old elf drew near, the excitement began to build. When Santa finally appeared, accompanied by his trusty team of reindeer, led, of course, by Rudolph, he was greeted with mile-wide smiles and rousing cheers. As I sat watching this, a thought occurred to me. In this turbulent, world slightly gone mad…Santa has remained constant, year after year..he never seems to change, and his popularity shows no signs of decreasing anytime soon…if you don’t believe me, just look at the way most children’s eyes light up when they see him. I catch myself smiling sometimes, because I was one of those children. And you can laugh at me if you want, but I still believe in him.
Yes, I know the world can be a challenging, difficult and even sometimes, cruel place, and most of us are just trying to survive in it. A lot of people say that Santa is a myth, a fairytale, and better to tell the kids what the real deal is straight away, rather than burst their bubble later on. What’s wrong with believing in a bit of magic…there’s precious little of it around these days, and the kids are growing up fast enough as it is. That’s what Santa is…magic..and how he does what he does all in one night has always been and will remain a delightful mystery. So keep on keeping on Santa. You’ve have lasted well over 100 years…and I’m willing to bet that kids will continue to leave cookies and milk for you and carrots for your reindeer for the next 100!
(P.S. To all you Scrooges out there, please keep you ‘Bah Humbugs’ to yourself!)

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  1. Here, here Val. I’m a believer to. People say christmas is a money making racket and to some extent it is, but when I see Santa it makes me smile and feel a warm glow of happiness looking forward to christmas with my friends. Boo to all the ebenezers. xxx

  2. Agree with you wholeheartedly val,let’s continue to believe in him.I just love the look on little kids faces when they see him.and Christmas morning when they wake up.its wonderful.My granddaughter leaves notes for Santa each year,not what she wants,but to please make sure rudolf doesn’t poop on the stairs,but he always seems to leave a trail of chocolate poop lol .She diligently cleans them up every year lol xxxxx

  3. Heart warming post Val………… used to tell my two when they were small………If you don’t believe, you don’t receive………my daughter really makes a big thing of Christmas………….her house is like Santa’s grotto……….still puts the milk and mince pie out for Santa………oh and a carrot for Rudolph……sprinkles a trail of fairy dust……..out come all the Cristmas tapes………..all this for my grandson….he is 21……….but we humour her………..she said I made Christmas so wonderful for her when she was small that she has loved the magic ever since………she still believes…….I tried to tell her the truth when she reached 30 but she was having none of it….lol xx

  4. I love Christmas and have soooo many good memories. My dad and I would leave out hay and water for the reindeer. That was very important to me as I was a farm girl. Santa would have all kinds of trouble if the reindeer were thirsty. My dad took it one step farther and made hoofs prints out of wood and would stamps them in the snow around the water and hay, so I would think they enjoyed what I left out for them. Thanks Val for sparking good memories about Santa. 🙂