Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance

I just saw some information that says that dance does all kinds of wonderful things, like wards off Alzheimer, reduces stress and helps with mood. You name it and dance can probably help with it. How many of us do dance, and how many of us can speak for its benefits? All my life I have been unable to dance because it was discouraged by my parents. My inhibitions won’t let my feet move. I have always known and felt that I was missing out on something that looked like so much fun.

If you can dance, are you enjoying it, and if you can dance and don’t dance, why aren’t you dancing? I am trying to keep music going more and I just know if I could move to the music, I would be much happier. People tell me that, “anybody can dance”. Well, they are wrong about that. I regret that I did not master my issues and learn to dance a long time ago, and I still haven’t given up.

Why were my parents against dancing? They did not say. Why were churches against it, I never heard anyone say that either. I do know that anyone that can dance should do it and they should doitoften. I sometime do my exercises to music and I need to do that more often.

I do believe that dancing seems to be so much fun and has to be good for you. I do believe that dance alters mood, preserves joints and muscles and reduces stress and enhances your social life. Whatever my parents were preventing is not an issue for seniors, I don’t think; but I do remember the song ” The Tennessee Waltz” and the words, “somebody stole my sweetheart while they were dancing”. Does that explain not dancing?

Do we dance? If we don’t, why not? Do you believe that it is or could be just wonderful?

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  1. myself and my wife ballroom dance. we enjoy it and the social life it brings with it. all my four daughters dance too. it is a good exercise i am lead to believe!

  2. Rose how very sad that you never danced, I was taught some traditional dances at school, but my era was rock and roll and this was my social life, wherever and whenever………..I do think its true that some people just cannot feel the beat in music and therefore get told they cannot dance……..but just move your arms and legs, that’s what lots do today, no sequence……….I love to watch the Northern Soul dancers………wish I had known about it years ago, would have definitely learnt the moves then……….never to late to start Rose, plenty of dance classes around, and the line dancing has a good beat to it, pretty easy to follow….xx

    1. Ola Star, you must have turned to be a Rock’n Roller at the end of it’s time cos you look far to young for that kind of music. But anyhow good to know you belong to that group of oldies that value the good music of this time. xxxM

  3. When I was 9, when I lived with my mum and gran, I used to dance and sing at the back of our hour house amongst the casava plant (tapioca) and other fruit trees. It was a native dance , and mostly using our hands a and fingers no leg works. I am tone deaf and it doesn’t matter as no leg movement required. Sometimes sat on the floor as in candle dance. The only western dance i could do is the waltz which I called it pushing the wardrobe, ha ha ha. I could understand why religion are against it as its rather close proximity. I enjoy country dancing, just follow the instructions of the musician, doh see doh, basket , change partner lol. Been to belly dancing enjoyed that even tho I am tone deaf and always out of steps . My daughter laughed at me when I tried line dancing. I stopped dancing now as the classes had closed and as the classed progressed the student numbers dwindled. Shame! There are other dance classes but the time clashed with my work. Dance is some form of excercise and its benefits are many eg releases stiff joints as in athritis, help with the blood flow and also relaxes your mind. I am sure you could join some dance classes in your area rose. Doesn’t matter if you are tone deaf. The main point is that you enjoy it and also socialising with other people .

  4. I don’t dance. never have. Not my thing, but for exercise it is probably a good thing if you have no other form of regular exercise.

    As far as dance and religion frowning upon it, that seems to be confined to the Christian religion (and perhaps a few others, I don’t really know) but many religions do embrace dance both as social and a form of worship

  5. Oh Rose, I havn’t been on here for ages. I’m not a member any more as I cant afford it. Dancing was a big part of my life. Not any learned or taught dances I danced everywhere. Bon Jovi music was my ironing dance music.
    When I was in a supermarket and bolero came on I did pretend skating as we were shopping.
    I can’t do it now because of my ailments. I miss it soooo much.
    The best I can do these days is wiggle my hips when I lie in bed as there the only thing that actually work ok.
    I recommend it to everyone, all you have to do is move as many parts of your body as you can to the music. xxxxx

  6. Hello all, love the comments. Dancing is my favourite past time, I line dance, belly dance, and do 2 classes a week just dancing to music. Line dancing is good because you don’t need a partner I also do some ballroom dancing but not as much. Last October I suffered a severe stroke, could not walk my recovery was very fast and good, doctors told me it was because I was so fit, it was 4 weeks before I could walk properly again, and 3 months before I was allowed to dance. Today I dance at least part of 4 days a week. My daughter tells me all the time if your dancing to practice at home please close the curtains, at first this annoyed me however now I take no notice, it is after all my exercise and my home. My friend who is nearly 90 comes to our RSL every Sunday she has very bad ostio perosis (excuse the spelling) and walks with her head bent down, how ever she dances all afternoon by herself and just shuffles to the music. It is lovely to watch. So dancing might not be every ones cup of tea but it has certainly changed my life, I started at age 67.

  7. I love dancing but on nights out, ( not organized type like classes) . Both the fast, even can do a 360 turn etc. and slow dances as well. Its just a lot of fun. Another way to enjoy some social time.

  8. I`ve never felt comfortable dancing although I have got up and made a fool of myself on many occasions in the past,think its a mood type thing,the music and the company.Rose,all is not lost,have you tried Tai Chi,it is movement to music for exercise,discipline and excellent for mind and body,In my opinion better than dancing.