rainbows and unicorns II

There is a tendency we sometimes have to want to protect each other, as well as avoid discomfort ourselves. When we had young children we controlled their environment so as not to disturb their view of the world. We manage conversation at the holiday dinner table to avoid conflict amidst relatives that we possibly see only one or two times a year. And we strategize our chat room discussions so that things are not perceived as offensive during our conversations. There is nothing really wrong with doing this, however it is interesting to me.

How did we become a culture so afraid of our thoughts and ideas? At what point did we resort to manipulation of the mind and communication to trick our spirits into thinking that our world is friendly, loving, supportive, and like minded? And if we have, in fact, accepted this, why do we expect our special moments, our holidays, or chat, to be so different? how does one honestly legislate friendliness and congeniality in such settings ?

The other evening, a woman expressed her feeling that she didn’t think things were right because she was afraid regarding recent world events. When did a flawed world absent of fear become a human right? how can the world in its true reality demonstrate security for her needs? and likewise, for those who do cope with their flawed world, some express a need to escape from it by such means as church, holidays, chat, etc.–for she deals with reality every day and now seeks a break by using chat. This has evolved a long way from our ancestors, who had no choice in the acceptance of their lots, but rather cleared fields, died in child birth, built lives, and endured to pass on a legacy to us. the truth is, our lives may be mechanically easier, but not necessarily devoid of difficulty, unfriendliness, grief, pain, and loss. and I, for one, acknowledge this true dynamic as beneficial. And I feel bad that my environment needs to be managed so that my feelings are controlled. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person, but I do see the value in understanding different lives, situations, dynamics, and truths.

There have been some recent discussion about why we chat. I’m sure everyone has their own reasons. There have been some recent discussions about controlling the content of chat so as to avoid negative feelings. I suppose some do “chat just to chat”. I suppose some prefer the funny banter that comes with the confidence and familiarity that evolves from being a long time chatter. I enjoy that, too. but I also really value the things I learn in chat from different people and different cultures. I value hearing about the daily lives of its members. Even when I leave disappointed or upset, I find I find it interesting that I feel this way. Why do I have a reason to think that chat is really that different from daily life? its not different, at all.

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  1. Hi Cat,The diversity of people in the chat room goes beyond cultural differences and lifestyles,you must agree that rarely are there 2 people alike and they all contribute to a wonderful mix of thoughts and beliefs.I think we chat for chats sake as some only have that outlet here or others who like to talk about things they normally would not.Some may be inflexible to grasping anothers opinion,while others appreciate another view,some may be banal at times but if its with a sense of humour then its harmless,some look upon the world as a circus at which to laugh and some can see the funny side of a gnat stuck in honey.Theres also room for discussion of the worlds issues which when we consider our lot degenerate into a sad place,these should be open for discussion but not all in chat are up to that sort of heavy talk,we can though allay fears some people may unnecessarily feel from their external world.I think you are right in saying that chat is not different from daily life,its not and I would`nt want it to be but its nice to impartially vent a view,feeling,fear,concern,opinion or wish,all those things that for some may be stamped upon in daily events of ones life.I hope you wont feel dissappointed or upset too often from chat,we all have those moments,when you think about it its just that we have allowed somebody or something to get under our skin.Keep smiling Cat and enjoyed your blog.

  2. Human’s have always tried to protect their children from the harsh realities of life I think. At least until they are old enough and, hopefully, equipped enough to deal with them.

    As to being insulated from the evils of the world in adulthood, then yes, for the majority of us blessed to live in USA. Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, then, for the most part this is true, providing we don’t watch the evening news (well sanitised I grant you).

    Being afraid of thoughts and ideas is a concept that had not really occurred to me, but thinking about it, I put the blame firmly at the door of the Political Correctness Crew. Those people, who now seem to be in control of all media, who balk at the thought of, just perhaps, causing offence to some poor sensitive soul rather than just coming straight out with things and to hell with whether it offends, providing what you’re saying is true of course.

    So, having been woken up to the idea of sanitised humour, news and chat by the above excellent blog, I hereby resolve to watch myself very carefully to ensure the curse of the Politically Correct Crew does not infect me too strongly. I invite others to make the same resolution. It may result in a few more arguments, but through argument and, hopefully logic, comes understanding and agreement.

  3. Catalpa, this is a very subtle and deep blog and I am on a mobile phone.balance is the answer to coping with good and evil. There is a lot of good and yet there is a lot of evil. We have to be aware of the evil but we find security in the good.
    In chatting,we have to balance the ugly with the lovely. When there is a need for information we need to talk. And sjhare enough to be informed.we don’t need to share grizzly details and we need to share enough information to be trusted and known.
    People want to be phony and yet want friends. Friends know each other.
    Balancing nice and truth is a difficult decision.
    When were we promised a wonderful world? I think we were lulled into it after world war 2. The big le promises it in the next world