Quiet Please!

This morning my daughter and I caught the early train to Boston, for an appointment.
As we settled on the train sipping our morning coffee, I could not help but notice something.
All around us, a small sea of ear buds, headphones, laptops, i pods, tablets, smart phones, touch this, tap that….. and complete silence.
I began to think about this new and wonderful technology of ours…
If memory serves me correctly, didn’t people used to just talk to one another?
I turned to my daughter and we started chatting, as mothers and daughters do, and the man across from us kept looking at us…..
Finally, he got up, came over, tapped my daughter on the arm and said, “This is the quiet car.”

Just thought I would share, LOL!! oooo be quiet!!

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  1. Oh Ellie. hahahahaha….. I know they have a quiet car on Amtrak, but I didn’t know they now have them on the Commuter Rail. Oh I am sure you were told to, shhhhhh…..LOL I hope your appointment went well.

  2. Yes, Ellie, they now have quiet cars on our commuter trains in Australia. Not much difference to the others really, and no difference to the past, except where there is now all the electronic gadgetry, it used to be the rustling of the newspapers!

  3. So very true way. Actually this is the very reason they started having a quiet car, because of all the complaints of mobile phone users . As you say, they do scream on them, way…hahaha