Please WRITE more Blogs

Please WRITE more Blogs

It feels like forever since I read a blog here and it has only been two days. I think a lot of people read blogs but they don’t write any and also many don’t comment. EVERYBODY has some wit and wisdom to pas along, or just a view from your corner and your life would be interesting. There is plenty of blank space here, so write a blog.

Grammar and vocabulary should not stop you. Some of the best things I have read here were just the most honest and real and straight from the heart. Highlights of your life resonate with me. Handling issues and finding joy feels good if it is shared.

I started writing blogs because I wanted to help others along, and to get help. I hope others will scratch their heads and write a few words here. I guess I can look in the archives. I found a real good one a few days ago.

I Like blogs. So many blogs amuse me, enlighten me or nudge me in the right directions. Some just tell me that I am not the only one with health or other concerns and I learn how to cope. I learn a lot from blogs and they make life better and more fun. Some of the quietest people have the most to say, so please write a blog.

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  1. Thanks for writing a blog roseinbloom. I also miss reading blogs. I wonder how many people read them.
    Where do people go when they get on this site? I think that there should be a survey once in a while when you exit the site, just to say where you went.
    When you’re stuck in a rut, a kick in the butt might get you on another track. I’ll take a blog instead, less painful and it gets the gray matter moving again.

  2. david, your reply would make a great blog. Sometimes the comments are better than the blog. I depend on blogs to get the conversation going, not to be a treatise.Your words resonate better than mine. You helped me along today.

  3. How can you be hurt, laurie? I was bloggin’, mainly my world of thoughts. But never considered any comments to be meant as hurtful, or angry. We have no time left for that. It can only be considered a compliment if someone attacks their keyboard to reply. Just go for it, bud. I assume most of us come on here (my case) out of being lonely. So ‘sound and fury’ may not be well received, but sticks and stones. Hey!

      1. Sorry laurie. Didnt mean to be flip. Like you, I have never been able to understand a bitter tongue. Perhaps some are just spiteful, but you can only treat ’em with the contempt they deserve. I havent read them, so perhaps I should not comment. Regards to you. Gordon.

          1. Thanks. I get a bee in my bonnet. It stays there until I jot it down, and then I can move on.Used to do daft poems, way back, to make the kids laugh, but get my point across. Then latterly for my wife. Just an old habit, I guess. x

  4. Rene Descartes quoted: “Cogito, ergo sum”
    “I think, therefore I am”
    Try as I can , I cannot see the relevance to a ‘blog’ but for sure the words written here can be hurtful as well as informative… maybe one should bear this in mind

    1. Saffy, we human have brains and hopefully a heart is attached. We share information. That is what we do. There is power in words, and none of mine are meant to harm a person. Sharing information is always my primary motivation. If people are hurt by what I say, I have only heard one negative comment and the person did it in a private message and berated me instead of my message.
      My statements do not negate what others think, and that is why more people need to blog.
      I cannot see that you say you do not see blogs as relevant while you read this one and commented.

  5. I agree with Laurie on this. no point in bothering to write if you are going to be shot down in flames each time for the content etc. always enjoy reading what you write though Rose .

      1. That is contradictory to what you just replied to Lauries comment Rose! as you said there ‘sound and fury’ doesnt bother you, to say that you must have seen some negative comments hee hee!

        1. jcb, I really have not. I saw one that was in response to a blog, but was sent as a private message. I do not take a different opinion as negative. I like to inspire a full discussion. Sometimes I may rush, and be misunderstood.

  6. I just want to clarify something about what I said above. Many of my blogs generated perfectly lovely responses. The ones I was referring to there were those which dealt with political and social issues. On those particular blogs, rather than a civilized “agree to disagree” feeling, they degenerated more into the nature of armed camps.

    1. Laurie. When you tell people what they do not want to hear and knock them out of their positions or blissful ignorance, they may get ugly. Just do not take it personal, if they get personal AND get ugly, they are rude. and disrespectful.
      We should have a different opinions here. More of us should blog and comment.

  7. I would think whatever we may post would be one’s opinion which all are entitled to, and no one should become argumentative or insulting. Afterall who comes on here to get angry or upset?

    1. thank you,jcb. I am not shot down. People are very nice. I am sorry that you and laurie had that experience and let it stop you. If they disagree with what I say, I welcome that. If they are mean, I can consider the source, and I would be sure to write some more. We need blogs,

  8. Where have all those brilliant wits gone who wrote blogs that made sense Rose? Do you have an answer?

    Many of them must have left the SC or they lost interest in writing blogs,
    presumably? Compared with 3 years ago very few blogs have been written in the time that has gone by ( inclusive mine! ) To me , I’m missing the intellectual inspiration that was here to meet every day.
    Time has changed, must have changed.

  9. Lots has changed on here maybe it’s time we changed it back to what we like!I loved blogs I wrote a few myself at time ,maybe time to do it again ,who knows ?

  10. I loved you blogs Mac, Please write some more, as we were moved off here because blogs had to be written totally by the person who posted them. It was my main interest on this site to post stories, but times change Hey!!! not always for the better in my mind x

  11. Tania and mcCathy, I am sure you have many thoughts that would be appreciated by many and would fit the current guidelines. I need to read more blogs, because the chat room seems so barren, and I find myself just not wanting to be there.

  12. I appreciate your blogs Rose cos they are overrunning with interesting and sometimes different thoughts which refer to you your life experience as I presume? But the fact you are an American with an view widened up to points which really matter makes reading so fascinating.

    The only consequence out of my saying for you is just simple; you should write more blogs cos only a few other members understand that jos as well as you do.

  13. Thank you. Michael. I also like reading blogs, I like your blogs, you most always or always have a fresh way of seeing something.
    I believe there are a whole lot of people who could do a very good job and my voice will grab some and your voice and style will grab others.