No Longer Lovers …

She wasn’t feeling well , didn’t know what was wrong
Another trip to the doctor’s…only to be sent back home
She sat on the bed waiting for him to come home
And lit another cigarette while staring out of the door.

The house spotlessly clean ,dinner cooking on the stove
Life’s been so busy she hardly had time of her own .
His car pulled in on the driveway …she knew that sound so well
Forcing herself to get up… to the kitchen she went .

How’re you going love …was his greeting to her
Now, no longer lovers … just merely friends
They ate dinner in silence ,and then went to bed
He turned his back to her ,while she laid awake.

A few weeks had passed , her health took a turn .
She was rushed to the doctor and had run some tests
The results on his desk ,a concerned look on his face
I’m so very sorry he said , we will do our best
But it doesn’t look good…there’s not much time left.

He gave up his job to look after her
his heart full of feelings …he couldn’t express ,
Day after day he went on caring for her
Night after night his arms comforting in her distress

it’d been so long since he was this close to her
Her figure emaciated …her face distorted in pain
she looked up at him …Resigned to her fate .
There was so much to say …but nothing was said.

He lifted her up in his arms and run a warm bath for her
And brushed her hair with such tenderness .
The sweet intimacy transported them back… to happier days .
For there in his arms …his life companion was wasting away .

Their love was rekindled , the timing …too late .
She looked into his eyes… not a word was said .
Then closed her own …to never open them again .
Good bye love ,he simply said …tears rolling down his face.

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    1. Yes so sad , very sad that sometimes daily stresses and routines take over and when we realize it …we have missed out on some very important aspects of life and love , bittersweet ending . Thank you for your comments xx

    1. I’m sorry to hear it brought back painful memories to you Maize . I’ve posted this in the hope that would help someone to treasure what they have now before it’s to late . Thank you for your comments . xx

    1. I know ,it’s very sad , it’s so difficult for most of us I think to find a balance in life …and many times when we realize it , it’s just to late …a bittersweet ending … However I can’t think of anything more painful than to have significant person in your life die in our arms … Thank you for commenting xx

    1. Yes, good thinking ,and that was the idea of posting this very sad poem . That we may appreciate what we still have now ,before it’s to late
      Thanks for your comments .xx

  1. A great reminder to us all – in our lives, busy as they may be, it is critically important to remember to make time for the important things in life, not take them for granted, and most important – remember our lives can change in a mere second, and suddenly you cant get time back, you can only go forward. A wonderful poem, sad and haunting, true Nmod style – with a wonderful message that we should all keep in our hearts. Ty Nmod. Helen xxx

    1. Wise words Helen …as you said it’s very important to take time out to reflect on our lives and that of those we love …and do things now , tomorrow could be too late … Thanks for your comments . xx

  2. I could relate to this so well as in a way it was me. My partner and I were on a drift but we were best friends and mates but he had always been someone who kept inside to himself and I who ‘mind read’ through our time together, but together, we were, even at the end I had to mind read but by then he knew I usually got it right and so died knowing I knew what was in his heart. Sometimes in real Life, we don’t have to always be on a “high” often loving is like a fire whose embers burn constantly without extreme extremes. Yes perhaps we reconnected in a stronger way, in ways that could have been before, but the pain of loss would have been the same. We spent most of our time thinking of a tomorrow where he would be the one alone, not I as I was the one with health issues, and he a Peter Pan. THe learning from this was do not waste time thinking about a future that may never be, enjoy the present. The road ahead is smooth – why anticipate rocks in your path when you can deal with them IF and WHEN they arrive because they may be different rocks to the ones you imagine or never arrive at all.

    1. Well said , I think communication it’s very important in all relationships …as in your case , it doesn’t always have to be verbal … Unfortunately not every body have the skill of mind reading …it takes a very intuitive person to do it .
      Thank you for your comments .

  3. OMG nmod i was thinking at the start so much like our set up in our house and my wife dementia i have said and a small non malignant tumour at base of her brain we both considdered separating not long ago befoore her diagnoisis she had told me to find another lover but then this happened it does change things not sure if we feel same love as when we met but ur blog has brought everything back am about to go fetch her from the dementia group she attends i offered to join with her she said no i said am i cramping ur style lolol