My Star

On a Summer night not long ago, I decided to take a stroll along a nearby beach. The sun was slowly making its descent on the distant horizon. Above me, the blue sky began to darken its hues transitioning from one shade to the other as gently as would butter melting in a warm frying pan.

With my eyes turned towards the setting sun, I could hear the occasional cawl of seabirds as they searched endlessly for tasty morsels before the fading light of the day gave way to the beginning of the night. Inhaling slowly, I could taste the fresh crisp salt-tinged across my tongue as the lovely coastal air flowed into my lungs. I stood for a pleasant few moments, feeling my heart begin to beat in cadence with the gentle rhythm of the ocean waves as they moved to and fro. Somewhere in the far distance came the sound of a large high flying silver bird carrying weary souls towards some unknown shore in search of hard-earned solitude.

I continued my steady pace while basting in the warm evening, seeking a spot to sit and rest so that I might further my enjoyment of the coming twilight. Evening stars, pin-pricks of hazy light, began appearing overhead, against a blanket of dark blue. Among these brightening stars danced the memories of those closest to me. I knew that I must move on as the time began to slip away, but I can not bring myself to relinquish the moment. It held me in its magical grasp.

I felt a gentle natural pressure on my shoulder that soothed me, urging me to stand. I knew that it is time to return home, but I did not wish to leave my special place. Sadly, I turned and began my journey back to my home. I am sad. But after a short distance, I started to feel a strange, comforting squeeze on my hand. A feeling I have not felt for several years. Suddenly I was no longer sad but content. I smiled. I knew she would come and share her time with me.

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  1. Writing that transports me from my own time and space to another for me is writing well done! For a bit and awhile, I was able to bring my most favorite place on earth into my day. Thank You.