My love for you

There’s so much depth in my love for you
this is real you know…
Heart to heart…Soul to soul.
Please be still…Fight no more…
Abandon yourself to me for evermore.

Don’t say a word…No need to talk.
Hold my hand up to your face…
Let me feel your weather-beaten skin
where the traces of time can be clearly seen.
Kiss my fingers as they brush past your lips.
Let yourself be loved…and love me in return.

This is our time…
We still have so much to give..
Listen to my heart… it’s singing our song.
Our bodies are showing the traces of time.
The looks may be weary…but the feelings still count.

Let me snuggle up right into you, and hold me please.
Because I wish to never leave.
Shhh…don’t say anything…
Your heart’s whispering to me
“With you forever I want to be”.

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  1. This poem is soothing, calming. When I read it the tempo is slow, steady, almost stopped. It actually made me feel with my heart instead of thinking with my head. I recognized that my heart doesn’t see imperfections as clearly as my eyes do. Thank you nmod.

    1. thank you david…that my poem touched your heart means a lot to me ,because i tend to speak from the heart…your comments are of immense value to me.
      thanks again

    2. thank you…It pleases me to know that people enjoy what I write. I always hesitate before posting but feel rewarded when I receive nice comments.thank you again