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  1. We all love our furry friends and it so sad when they leave us!
    They seem to know how we feel and comfort us, so always
    remember the love you received and leave the rest to God!

  2. Been there, Sky, several times.

    It doesn’t get any easier with the numbers you lose, but, with time, the happy memories replace the sense of loss. Not completely, but mostly.

  3. I am so sorry of your loss. I have known the pain a few times also. There is nothing I can say to ease your pain right now but our animals are like our family. Time will help but you will always remember and smile because you once knew them, and you know they loved you also. They will always be in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

  4. oh sky i so feel for you hun…its 18 months since i lost my beautiful boy and i still cry most days… he was my whole world..when he went he took a piece of my heart with him..i have been offered lots since but as yet none have stolen my heart which still belongs to him..sendin warm thoughts hun xxx

  5. There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that has helped me through many a loss, and it is simply this . . .
    “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Hopefully there will come a time that it will help you in your healing. Namaste’ _/I\_

  6. so sorry for your loss of your fur baby, hurts to lose a beloved companion be it covered in fur,feathers or skin..only other “pet owners” would understand.the painful time you’re going thru..if you need to talk or vent or remember the good times i’m only a message away..xxxxx kat

  7. I am sorry for your loss sky, they are a part of you, in some ways they can be better than humans, their loyalty is totally genuine. at present I have the lost of my parents and three cats on hold, don’t have the time to come to terms to what has happened, it breaks my heart just thinking of it, but I have to be strong to care for my wife who has a brain injury. PS I could not answer your post, I did not have a reply option.

    1. Hello Love.
      Thankyou for your reply.
      I agree with you they can be better than humans
      I am so sorry to hear your dear wife has brain injuries
      I hope she gets well soon

      Lots of love and faith
      June (sky)