Mother-in-law Jokes

My mother-in-law is banned internationally from playing poker, as she keeps all the chips on her shoulder.

* Adam and Eve were the happiest, and the luckiest, couple in the world, because neither of them had a mother-in-law.

* What is the difference between outlaws and in-laws? Outlaws are Wanted.

* I took my mother-in-law to Madame Tussaud’s chamber of horrors and one of the attendants said, ‘Keep her moving sir, we’re stocktaking.’

* Fred and Rick were in a pub. Fred says to his mate, ‘My mother-in-law is an angel.’
Rick replies, ‘You’re lucky. Mine is still alive.’
Harry was travelling down a country road in his native Yorkshire, England when he saw a large group of people outside a farmhouse.
It was a cold January afternoon, so he stopped and asked Farmer Giles why such a large crowd of men was gathered there.

The farmer replied, ‘Eddie’s donkey kicked his mother-in-law and she died.’

‘Well,’ replied the man, ‘She must have had a lot of friends.’

‘Nope,’ said Giles.’ We all just want to buy his donkey.’
1) Overheard in a restaurant:
She: This wine is described as full bodied and imposing with a nutty base, a sharp bite, and a bitter aftertaste.
He: Are you describing the wine or your mother?

2) Open Door Policy
The doorbell rang this morning. When I opened the door, there was my mother-in-law on the front step.
She said, ‘Can I stay here for a few days?’
I said, ‘Sure you can.’ And shut the door.

3) Newlywed Surprise
The newlywed wife, Monica, said to her husband , Nick, when he returned from work, ‘I have great news for you. Pretty soon we’re going to be three in this house instead of two.’
Nick started glowing with happiness and kissing Monica purred, ‘Oh darling, I’m the happiest man in the world.’
Monica smiled and added, ‘I’m glad that you feel that way, Nick, because tomorrow morning my mother moves in with us.’

4) Final Complaint
Tomorrow it’s the mother-in-law’s funeral…and she’s cancelled it.

Paul: I was sorry to hear that your mother-in-law died. What was the complaint?
Phil: We haven’t had any yet.

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  1. thank you tania skippy foreveryoung and annemarie for all your comments. i had the best mother in law you could wish for and sadly she is no longer with us. she treat me like one of her sons and i cared for her as my own mother. i hope i didnt upset any of you good mums out there! i am sure you are all good mums mums in laws and daughters. think i will leave blogs to tania in the future hee hee!