More fiber and weight loss and Health

More fiber and weight loss and Health

I just read an article that convinced me to focus on eating more fiber. Not eating healthy is like sending an invitation to the grim reaper. I know that many of you are so sensible, you don’t need this and others are entrenched and won’t change, but I hope there are some, like me, who need a pep talk and will rev the restraint and common sense up a notch

I realized that fiber is where all the healthy food is, plants, whole grains, and that is about it. Meat and fat and sugar have no fiber. Milk and eggs have little to no fiber.
There are vegetarians and they do live and thrive.
I just read an article that said that eating more fiber helped lose weight better than more complicated diets. I would post the site, but I don’t think I am allowed. I hope this grabs your attention anyway.

The article said that people who were asked to eat more fiber, lost more weight, than people given more complicated diets. I have read many books on healthy eating, but I agree with this article. Focus on eating more fiber is a very good idea for everyone.

Fruits, veges, beans and whole grains, won’t clog your arteries and are good for the digestive track. I know a woman who lives without meat or oil or fat. She is past 80 and is in better shape and has more energy than most people half her age. Incredible, but she said oil is in all plants, and it is.

People won’t go extreme, but adding some veges, fruits, beans and whole grains is an easy and sensible thing to do.

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  1. Yes Grabbed mine Bloom as a former health and fitness tutor, i do agree that fibre is important but also protein , and calcium enriched foods, as well especially as we grow older we need to uptake our calcium levels and also wise for young children to have each day a piece of cheese a glass of milk and a yogurt,, essential requirements for growing and strengtehning bones, meat , fish and eggs for protein , easy on the eggs two or three a week , fish especially sardines and salmon , the good oils for lowering cholesterol, and some carbahydrates at two slices a bread each day , cereals, legumes,etc , hope that is following up on your blog , fruit and veg 5 veg a day and two to 3 fruits , snack foods are dried fruits and walnuts and almonds , just a few if you must snack between meals……

  2. oops! forgot the good oil….. Olive oil especially virgin olive oil in salads with lemon or vinegar, olive oil brushed onto meat about a teaspoon no more , and place all roasting meats in a cooking bag brushed with oil and placed on a rack , sealed and water placed in the pan before putting it inthe oven to cook , delicious… roasties you can put a tablespoon of oil in a pan and place your roasties or roast veg i should sayin that but drain it well on kitchen paper before eating …
    But let me say I dont always follow my own advice sometimes i lash out and have some kentucky chicken , or a burger , occasionally and thats fine , you can treat yourself once a week to whatever you fancy …..

    1. cappucino. There isn’t much sugar in the high fiber foods.Good bread, whole grains, fruits and veges.One rule, just eat more of these.It is supposed to work. If you want sugar, eat fruit. My grandson is on a body building diet, so we make a lot of smoothies with protein powder.

  3. Good health is the reward we need to be seeking. If you eat properly, you may not crave sugar. I like some good home made bakery, but I don’t like the real sweet stuff.

  4. Yes Rose a change in food makes sense and it makes even more sense to buy fresh food instead of tin-food or pre-cooked food. But, but, but and as many if, if, if.

    Our grandparents lived with the fresh food from the garden on the table.
    But…. many of them didn’t live as long as people do today.
    Easy to believe but hard to understand. But….

  5. Michael. I always enjoy you clear logic and open mind.I grew up with a garden, and cows, and chickens. I also lived in one of the world’s largest cities for 40 years. Our city was full of immigrants and I always had a produce stand close to me. Fast food was food I did not have to grow and gather. I also had a very busy life, but I still get the best food available and almost never go to fast food restaurants, though I do buy frozen vegetable and take some short cuts. Advances in heart surgery and treatment, and access to health care, and antibiotics accounts for the longer life expectancy, but in the USA our life expectancy is going down. It is sad. In my family, I have nephews who died of heart disease and nieces who are diabetic and are obese. They eat the old country food and fast food; not a good combination.