Meeting love in the net

Women are as far as my impressions go very fussy about the garment
they are wearing. I believe seldom, very seldom they would buy and
wear a worn dress.

With men they are at least not that fussy at all. Otherwise many dating
pages would be published. No matter which page in the net gets chosen
all of them have the same disadvantage.

Every writer will always produce himself from the best side which
doesn’’t exist. They paint their personality in the most beautiful
color which the nature has not to offer.

By my understanding, life will guide any of us to the right one, to the
right partner. Often unexpected, often in a curious situation, by coincidence
or in a simple case when one shops in Aldi ort the deli.

Time takes time. So give time the chance offering you a chance for a new
relationship. There is no difference between young and old. The procedure
has never changed and will never change.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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  1. Now , it’s true that one can meet the right person in the most unexpected ways. Many a time … However as we get older ,the chances are slimmer ,I think ,because we tend to be at home most of our days ! And the main shopping it’s done mainly at the ” Pharmacy ” these days lol .
    The single pension it’s so small that after paying bills and buying meds , you end up with a little left for your food , and not much else ! And if you have a pet …well you have to share whatever you have left with it …and if your pet is ill ,many a pensioner has gone without …to cover for vet bills .
    So what do we oldies do to save a buck ? Stay home get on line … And let our imagination run wild !
    We chat and blog and write poems and dream …and fall in love with someone at the other end of the world … Someone who cam make us feel young and loved …someone we imagine so perfect we can’t fault in our mind’ eyes ! Someone who we will probably never meet …because in all reality …if we can’t even afford to have a pet , How on earth are we going to travel half way around the world to meet the love of our lives ! So we keep on dreaming …and maybe , just maybe life will send someone knocking on our door ! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Hello nmod,

    please let me thank you very much for your comment. The topic seems
    to be very complex to me so I’ll have to separate your basic considerations
    into small parts if you don’t mind.

    Let me begin with the age of a person. A fact which is very incidental out of
    my view. Every age has ist own beauty. A frosted rose can look more beautiful
    than a fresh one. But it is a womens natural lineament to feel attractive any
    time of the day and desirable whereas they forget the impression they make
    to other people. I do deeply believe any age is wonderful and worth living.

    On point 2 I would like to mention the living conditions at all. Life reminds
    me of living in circus ring. Everybody from outside looks in, observe every
    move and stepp one does in order to get lots of news to gossip.
    An outburst of this ring is more than complicated specially if on lives in
    a small town or village. Living next door to Ellis!

    On point 3 comes the money situation that can indeed cancel any activity
    before it has even started. And at this point the internet comes into the game.
    A perfect instrument for getting in touch with the rest of the world.
    To be frank with you it does not take very much time out for analyzing
    peoples character. The psychology offers many useful tools handling that
    I can’t stand unqualified meanings, superficiality on serious matter. A Joke
    will always be a joke but a serious problem requires knowledge on the subject,
    life ecperience and the will for a dissent answer. If those substantially are not
    given one should keep the mouth closed.

    In natural it is a proven fact that a human needs 10 to 15 seconds to judge if
    the opposite person wins sympathy and if it is worth while sharing time with.

    This face to face situation is not given in the net. Even not via a webcam because
    the pictures shown can come from somewhere else.

    So what are the consequences for a person to give life a new content that
    adds power into the daily routine and keeps depression away? For me it’s
    hard to find a correct answer in this point because an reliable answer can
    only be found if one knows the other person better and on both sides there
    exists the will of turning the insight out.

    That nmod seems to me nearly impossible by jumping from page to page
    on the net. People who do this are wasting their time. If does a special subject
    of interest exist than it could be much easier to deepen the contact, getting
    closer and finding out more interesting subjects for both sides.

    Many thanks to you for reading.