
One of my dearest friends from San Francisco was also one of the most intelligent men I have ever known. He spoke seven languages fluently, and was studying five others. He knew the histories and cultures of the homelands for each language he was conversant in. The military was training him as a translator in either the Middle Eastern or Asian theater. At the same time he was funny and gracious. Could party with the best of them or sit quietly while composing haiku. He was out of the country when I left San Francisco and I ended up losing contact with him. One of my deepest regrets. Oh, and he was gay.

Today the debates about same sex marriage rage on. Some places have legalized it and then withdrawn it. So many people are afraid of the idea and I wonder why. Marriage is a commitment between two people who wish to spend the rest of their lives together. How is that frightening? How can it be so wrong for everyone to enjoy the legal benefits of marriage?

Homosexuality exists: always has and always will. Denying it will change nothing. And denying their legal rights will not do so either. Freedom of choice should be available to ALL people and be protected by all.

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  1. Because the minor population think of Homosexuality as a Faith Based Sin not as simple human being, without legal rights. Many suffer trying to survive in a world still mired in Medieval thought. Many of us who are secular believe in equal rights for all. Love is Love. To cling to ancient beliefs in order to subjugate a minority. It’s as if the Gay population is constantly under attack because those who won’t see really don’t want to.They can’t see that by accepting Gays the Art world would erupt with major changes in the arts and music.

  2. Well put Jackie, I agree totally and have quite a few gay friends, whom I value dearly. Love is love and it should not be up to others to dictate who we should love. It way not be my way, but I respect the rights of those who walk a “different” pathway… thanks for the blog – no doubt there will be some “interesting” comments if some of the recent ones are anything to go by…..xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Agree totally Jackie, homosexuality is not a choice that people decide to be, they just are, should,have the same rights to live their life with the person they love as the next person xx.

  4. Good blog jackie, and well said.

    A friend I have here, was born on an island where everyone knew everyone. There was little choice but to follow tradition so she got married and had 4 children.
    She moved away from her community 7 years ago and followed her heart and here in Alberta she met a woman and fell in love.
    Next week they are getting married in Banff on a mountain 🙂

    Jackie, its not wrong to have beliefs that homosexuality is wrong. Much of our beliefs are based on how we are brought up and I admire anyone who has had to fight through gaybashing families and overcome being an outcast, and have the strength to proudly stand up and say, “This is who I am.”

  5. I do fail to see why people are so against sex sex marriage..I have read that it will ‘break down the family unit’.have these people been living on the moon? The family unit has been breaking down for years and not because of homosexuality..Others say it will change what ‘marriage’ is…well if we don’t want marriage to change then maybe we need to go right back when the woman became the ‘property’ of her husband upon marriage, she was not allowed to own property or money. She had to respect her husbands conjugal rights so ‘No’ was never an option..she could be forced to comply and she had no legal recourse.. So marriage has evolved over the years, I simply see this as one more step in the process of change…Being married to someone of the same sex does not hurt anyone else…
    there are thoughts that same sex couples should not have children ( regardless of the means) I think this is ridiculous as how many single parents raise wonderful children without the biological father’?..The other opinion I hear is that two same sex couples may turn their children ‘gay’…then I wonder why Straight people have Homosexual children..