
Woman has Man in it ;
Mrs has Mr in it ;
Female has Male in it ;
She has He in it ;
Madam has Adam in it ;

Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now…
I never looked at it this way before ;
Ever noticed how all of women’s problems star with MEN ?
MENtal illness
MENstrual cramps
MENtal breakdown


When we have REAL trouble, it’s a…..HISterectomy

ruddy men….cause of all our problems………but we love them.

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      1. Don’t agree w/ that at all Jsmile. This was just lighthearted.. Personally I don’t feel either sex is superior, but I don’t think this was all that serious 🙂

    1. Maize, aren’t men enough like dogs, and they smell better, take you for a walk, and give you a meal some of the time, and when they go potty, you don’t have to watch and clean after them. I personally like men kisses better.
      As for loyalty, I have to take my chances.

  1. LOL. I love it. WHAT does RUDDY mean. About men, I just told one, “he is incorrigible and delightful”. If you learn to like what the man does, you may have more fun and fewer probs with men. Think hard.

  2. Ruddy can mean as in the complexion ( fresh and reddish ) that’s not the way I meant it though .lol… agree with you Rose………men are so much simpler than we women………they see things in black and white………we women tend to over analyse everything……….but love most of the men’s sense of humour on here………they are indeed delightful and incorrigible

    1. Starlett, I thought I knew what ruddy meant, but sometimes meanings are different. Thanks for the verification.
      Incorrigible means impossible to reform or manage and depraved etc. Look it up. I just meant impossible to reform and a bit depraved.

  3. Well star!!……………… bring me great delight,i absolutely love them,….i have many male friends,lol,one for each day of the week,LOL.xxxx……………i even have one in Aussie land,lol,xxx