Make believe…escapism…mind games .

A dose of escapism it’s good for our mental health , it’s like a safety valve
It releases our stresses before we explode or implode.

Too much of it however and we would be living a lie , a sham .we would simply be living somebody else’s life .

So …how much is to much? can we safely immerse ourselves in imaginative intellectual play . Without risking to lose touch with reality?
Yes ,I think we can.

There’s not such a thing as a perfect life .and I’m glad to know this is so ,because I’m not perfect…I don’t look perfect …and I don’t live a perfect life .

There were times ( specially when my children were very young ) when I’ve felt totally overwhelmed by the tedious routine of everyday life . And wished to be transported somewhere else …to a far away place …where nobody knew me .I wanted to escape !
My duties as a mother, wife and employee, had me rooted in one place , but in my mind…in my mind I could be anywhere I wanted to .

Escapism has a myriad of forms …some can be mild and harmless ways of coping.
Others can become harmful ,destructive addictions .

The mind it’s an amazing tool . It’s crafty , creative , convincing .reasonable some times
Unreasonable at others …but it’s always very powerful .

In my younger years ( I remember ) I couldn’t bear to be at home by myself , not because I was afraid that anybody or anything would come around to harm me. No …all I was afraid of … was to be alone with myself . I was afraid to find out that… what I was told as a child ,was true…that I was ugly ,evil , undeserving .

So I used to go out all day …to the shops to look around , to buy things I didn’t need , and come home at night when the family was back .

Then one day I realized that I was wasting my life running away from myself …( or trying to ) .And that the sooner I faced my own reality and made friends with me ,the better it was going to be .
It was not an easy thing to do… I admit it…but once I’ve conquered my fears I was
free… to live !

As a child care worker I’ve played lots of make believe games with my little charges
It was a magical world where we could be and do anything we wanted to .
We could be fairies and warriors we could fight evil and always win, because we made our own story . We could be beautiful… and powerful …and live happily ever after .

In real life … We don’t live happily ever after …but we do have happy moments we should embrace and enjoy .
We don’t fight evil because we are strong …but we become strong, because we fight evil
We don’t always win our fights ,but we know that in the end the truth always prevails.

I’m living my own story …it’s ok to make it a Fairy Tale …After all , not all fairy tales have a happy ending !


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  1. Nmod brilliant blog,yes i have learnt you have to get happy with yourself and learn to love yourself….other people are not always constant in one’s life, so at the end of the day you really have to like your own company……and i agree, what dosen’t kill you, makes you stronger.x

    1. You are absolutely right star, accepting of oneself it’s the key to a more harmonious ,peaceful life ,in my opinion .
      Thanks for your comments to my blog xx

  2. Good blog nmod.
    Escapism vs. reality its always best to have a balance of both, and sometimes thats hard. When the outside world hurts you, a place to mentally escape to can be a good protection.
    Its always best to have a balance of both, and sometimes thats hard.
    A bit like standing up in a row boat. If you lean to far to one side, the boat will tip over.
    A good balance is the way to go.

  3. Great blog nmod – as a child I had a pixie that hid under my clothing as it sat on my left shoulder – I talked to it all the time (can’t remember now whether it was male or female) and it sat there on my shoulder until I was 15 years old. My make believe pixie helped me get through my childhood. It took me until I was 58 to find ME – and I love me and I am happy with me, and my little dog of course lol xoxox 🙂

    1. So good to hear forever ! It’s good to know things are looking up for you .
      To be happy and at peace with oneself is a great start …everything else will fall into place .
      Best and warmest wishes to you xxx