I have spent a long time trying to make this person into the person I am today…..Life is a long drawn out string of events,not always happy,but then its the life we are given to live…I am happy in the things I have accomplished,..some have turned out great ..,others good..,some if I had my way again I wouldn’t have done them at all. They are here in my life I cant change them….but I hope that I have learnt things from them..Wouldn’t it be great if we could just roll them in newspaper and throw them in the bin?….. can see myself now scrolling down the list …..mmmmm no keep that ,,oh god bin that ..keep half of that it was nice ..wonder what I would put at the top of my list as the best thing to happen to me in my life?

Well first I would say that the family I was born into was the best..,wouldn’t want to change it at all…….My parents were the best parents you could get,…oh we weren’t given material richness,…..but were very rich… in love …understanding…. being taught right from wrong… your neighbour….don’t say anything if you cant say something nice… are responsible for your own action….do the deed take the consequences… things to help you form a good character .I hope these have all made me a good person ,one that is nice to have as a friend,because we all need friends.

As my family is so special I,have built my life around it … cant always tell where it is going to take me,….but one thing for sure is I will always look after my family… which now consists of my five grandchildren… that I have taken on to rear…..These children live with me 24/7…. I built an extension to accommodate them …..I.. am here to do the best I can and hope it is good enough for them…..if its not it will not be because I haven’t tried.

These I put at the top of my list along with the fact I am a Catholic so am very glad to have a list like that …..Friends …I would put next …friends I have made here in chatters I value very highly on my list…both men and women…..I have found many good friends here …I hope to keep them for many years to come…..I spend a lot of time roaming around the corridors of chatters ….talk to lots of people in chat room …I talk.. chat.. sometimes I flirt… as is often done in chat at no time have I ever tried to get a man as a …. SUGAR DADDY …… to take me away from this life that is forced upon me …..I put this here as it was told to me today …..that I have a long list of men ….in my search for a…. SUGAR DADDY…. for my kids and me.

I would hate to think that anyone here thinks this of me……if they do I would like to say I would be the first to say to any man …..don’t take me on as I have too much baggage…..baggage that will not go away,…..neither do I want it to……this baggage will be here till i die ….as Francesca is only 5 years old ….she will be in my life forever……along with her 4 sisters…..Yes I am not saying that its not difficult …but its my life and they are there on the top of my list ..and I love them.

I love chatters but I am disapointed to think that people talk about others …I have always made a point of never discussing anyone unless they are there to defend them….I have stuck to this at all times …..If you would like to talk about me …let me know ill be there …..thank you ……mac xxxxxxxxxxx very sad mac at that .

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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      1. And mac Gordie is 11 years older than me and I was told by quite a few people the same thing, that i was after a sugar daddy for my children, was very hurt at the time that they could say that about me, here gordie and i are 38 years later lol. And from that experience i learnt about projection, when some one says something nasty about me they are really talking about themselves and projecting it on to me, once i realized that i could then feel empathy for them. To me mac you are one of the best people I know and what was said about you wasn’t about you at all, take a good look at the person who has made you so sad xxxxxxx

  1. Mac, whoever this nasty person was that said this about you does not know you at all. That is nothing like you at all. Just small minds of some people. Maybe jealous because you are such a lovely person and they are obviously not. You were there for me when I needed it most. I will never forget that. I do not talk about my woes to anyone but you were there. And you do not know how much I appreciated your kindness. You are a lovely lovely person. Just remember one thing Mac…. Should you find yourself the victim of someone elses bitterness, ignorance,smallness and insecurities, things could be much worse, You could be one of them… So carry on the way you have been Mac and be the lovely caring person that you are xoxoxoxox

  2. You are a lovely, caring person macxxxxx

    I’m amazed sometimes what does go on it chat!!!

    Next time mac say ohh no not a sugar daddy… I’m looking for a boytoy!!

    ~and don’t be sad mac..hold your head high, it is they who have the problem NOT you…


    1. ahh boytoy toyboy lol!!!!…..someone younger than me!!!

      ~you do that mac hold your head way up there, you have no reason not to!!!!

      Some people ~ not all ~ need to remember:……………..

      At the end of every computer is a real person, a lot like you and I , a job to go to, whose birthday was last week, who has best friends, a family to care for, some who live alone etc..

      ~ and people who act mean behind the screen need a big reminder:

      ***by being mean to another person means they can be personally affected by one comment if its rude, nasty, hurtfull or offensieve*****



  3. Our dear, sweet Mac….There are some people that just never grow up, and it’s sad to know that they sometimes have to resort to an immature way of handling their own insecurities and jealousy. Anyone who has a negative thing to say to another person without justification, has their own problems and only makes themselves look foolish by making hurtful comments about another. All of your true friends and the majority of the members here, know the real you. The hurtful, jealous people will be the ones without friends. Hopefully, they will learn to model their behavior around those like you…a kind, loving person, who never has anything bad to say about another. Love you, my dear friend. xxx

    1. dear katelin thank you for all the care and love yoiu show towards me and others ,…. yes i know that some people have problems ,,,please god they will see that chatters is a nice friendly careing place anf feel it towards them so they neednt be worried like i was. xxxxxx mac

  4. My dearest Cath,

    Anyone who has ever spent 10 minutes in chat with you, knows that is not you. Anyone who has ever had a kind and caring word from you, of which there are too many to mention, knows that is not you. Anyone who has ever had a message or email of your loving non-judgmental support, knows that is not you. I am a recipient of all three. I am and will always be proud to call you my friend. I will not waste the brain cells, the paper, the ink, the cyberspace to even comment on the person who said that. As my Grandmother often told me, “they aint worth the powder it would take to blow them straight to hell!” Sending you hugs and much love, Helen aka Denise

    1. Helensophie thanks any only to pleased to be there if you needed me ……as you are here now for me thanks ……yes after all your support ill not think twice about it ,,,,was silly of me to contemplate that you people thought that of me……hehehe but i still will enjoy tormenting the men hehe xxxxxx mac

          1. Agree joyofnj toyboy.sugar daddy ……. i think the men we chat to may not want to be either …thanks xxxxxxmac

  5. Dear mac just look at all the support you have here – don’t let nasty people get to you. I feel sorry for these people as they must be so insecure in their own lives to lash out at others. I’ll take your sugar daddy/toyboy mac LOL – I don’t care if someone would think that of me hehehehe – Take care mac xoxoxox

    1. Dear foreveryoung i haven’t gotten one anyway lol….thats the funny part ,,,,i can laugh now thanks to all you wonderful people …thanks xxxxx mac

  6. are the kind of person we should all strive to be..i agree with the are a beautiful person inside and out..don’t pay attention to those petty comments..when you hear them just say to yourself..”i must be a wonderful person..just look at all the wonderful friends i have!!”..and i hope you’ll count me in that “wonderful”

    luvs ya bunches,my maccie ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Kat thanks …..i do count yoiu in my friends ……without you all on here i would be lonely …..admit it ….you fill up my day when the kids go to school …adult conversation…..lots of my other friends dont understand that having these grandkids are forever …..they say send them home …but this is their home …thanksd for the support …..and yes i do have wonderful friends xxxxxxx mac

  7. Dear Mac i havent known you for very long but you have always been very kind to me in the chat room,we have also had fun together in the chat room,i hope we continue to have fun in the chat room.people who snipe about other people behind there back are quite sad people i also believe them to be insecure with in themselves.take no notice of these people.
    take care Mac xxxx

    1. flowersun thanks …yes we go enjoy chat, and yes hope many more years of it to come ,….think ill just pray that they all have peace in their lives flowersun xxxxxxx mac

  8. Flirt? perhaps you do, not that I’ve ever really seen you do it, but sugar daddy? That indicates a spider (female on the hunt). NO! can’t see that at all.

    Ignore them and don’t let them upset you.

    As has already been said. They are the ones with a problem, not you.

    1. Thanks way ….from you that means a great deal …..maybe i should be ……the black widow spider …mmmmmm thats a thought …name change???
      thanks way xxxxxx mac

  9. Mac,
    I am sad that you even spent a precious moment pondering the “sugar daddy” comment. Sheesh! People think they have a true perception of the person I am but they don’t–she’s of this particular race, she’s Catholic because she has 5 children, she’s naive, she’s gullible, she’s a Pollyanna (from the book Pollyanna) and so on, she goes into the lounge and kisses the men, Ha! Why waste a moment pondering this, it serves no useful purpose. You’re friends know your true character and the people that don’t…it’s their loss!

    1. so true hap ,but maybe the thought of… sugar daddy ….hurt my feelings ….as debz says should have been… toyboy or boytoy lol…
      Thanks anyway hap xxxxxxx mac

  10. One more thing on this subject. We all need to stick together on this subject of chatters talking about others when they are not in the room. I have seen it time and time again and it is not a good look. I have commented in the chat room when I see some talking behind anothers back. But it still goes on. SOME people who do this need to take a good look at themselves and see what type of person does this will not have many friends if this his how they talk about another chatter behind thier back.

    1. I agree gj…

      I doubt they even read blogs or the groups……….at this age you’d think all that was left behind in the playground….

      mind you I never even did stuff like that in the playground either, so I guess some things never change….

      And as the saying goes Show me the boy/girl at 7 years old and i will show you the man/woman…

      I seem to spend more time in the groups nowadays…so much to look at and read!!…

      1. oh debz you are a gem …we are so lucky to have you amongst us…. such a caring person ……even if you have trouble with so many fingars…been thinking about that … them xxxxxx mac

  11. I agree gran and hence my occasional hissie fit lol. It is not a good look to talk about people when they are not in chat, make fun of people from a certain country, or religion. I tell people who attack my husband or my friends in chat, keep going and you will not know what hit you. That seems to work.

    1. yes gran and skip agree ,always think we should never talk about others ,and certainly if they arent here to defend themselves ……thanks for your wonderful support gran and skip xxxxxxxxxxx mac

  12. When I was quite young and appreciating beautiful young women, it transpired that those I fancied were in search of older, richer men to keep them in a manner they would wish.
    Now I have achieved sufficient age and wealth to fulfill their desires, it turns out, they are all looking for TOY BOYS!
    Can’t Win !

  13. ((((Mac)))) I find this so disturbing that ANYONE that knows you at all would say something like this about you.
    I have seen your compassion, your wittiness, you caring about others, your just one of the sweetest people I know.
    The person or persons that said this about you are small and clueless and shouldnt be given the time of day or a second thought.
    How sad their lives must be to say such a thing about you!
    Just know you are WELL LOVED and what one person says does NOT reflect how we feel.♥

    1. laura thanks ….I have felt the love you all give to me …..frankly frightens me sometimes…..but i am humbled in the care you all give to me….just hope that i can give it back to you all…… mac xxxxx

  14. Hi mac, I don’t like to see anyone hurt like you were at the end of your blog.
    I have had many long conversations with you. I can tell that you are a person with a lovely heart, that cares. We should all have friends like you mac, the world would definitely be a better place to live in. Take care.

  15. Oh david that is so good thank you… i am proud to have you as my friend also enjoy the chats we have,…you make me laugh,;;think more people like you david would be a better world….xxxx mac

  16. Hi Mac,

    You can be sure that whoever said this of you has their own agenda, of which I’d say enviousness is one of them. You are well loved on this site (as the above comments prove) so you can afford to ignore them. For the most part, people who make such snide remarks are very unhappy with themselves and feel threatened by another’s popularity. So chin up sweetie, onwards and upwards!

  17. I really don’t know what, if anything I can add to this Mac!!!. I will say one thing.I am laughing my socks off at some of the replies…………………….Boytoys….Spiders…..Reply from.Anubis,….Debz fingers (lol) the very funny saying HelenSophies gran used haha.
    The thing is Mac, it has truly backfired, – as most nasty judgemental comments do., and made the “SugarDaddy” look a real…you know what!!

    1. illgner thanks ….yes made me laugh too …a good thing ..because you all made me see that what other people say if its not true… matters naught ….that the good people on here will not believe it of me.that was my big fear
      thanks for your support xxxxx mac…

  18. Thank you all for the wonderful support you have shown me ….very humbleing… l was very upset when I heard that people were saying that about me ,…..but you all have made me relise…. that it doesn’t matter… if you lead a good life and know you are doing right ….then what they say wont matter… others have seen the good in you ….thank you all …….xxxxxxx….mac the end

  19. Mac. I have known you for a long time now!. I have always found you funny and friendly. You understood my jokes and replied in kind. I know what it feels like to have people read something i have said and taken it as a reason to message me and try and hurt me. Shows they dont know me very well becouse, Like you, all i want are friends to laugh with and chat with serously if the need arrises. I dont go in the chat room as you know so cant really comment on what goes on there, but one hears rumours even those on the outside have good ears!!!. I agrea with the others who have commented today, if i was better with words i would really tell it how it is with you!. Hold your head up high mac…you are a lovely lady and i am happy we are still friends after all this time. :). Tally! Ho! and keep your spirits high, you have a lot of friends on this great site mac and i am one of them. hugs. shads. :)…my spelling doesn’t improve does it!. sigh!!!!

  20. Oh shads you were the first to be friends with me on her…e and I am so prouid that we are still best of friends after all this time.I value all the friends I have made here ,Yes I will hold my head up high thanks…..shads not our spelling thats at fault ….its that bleeding little gremlin of ours ….thanks my friend for always mac xxxxxx

  21. Mac you have a caring heart and I have often said to you , you are my earth Mother I would never say to you that you were looking for a sugar daddy, i believe in live and let live and love everybody, not everyone thinks like me, and I realise that, I prayed and wished for a christmas wish that a handsome rich and loving man would enter your life and that you would be loved and protected all the days of your life,you have never, while I have been on chat been anything other than lady, you have lovingly reprimanded me a time or two when I have been a litle cheeky, in a kind way and I have always honored you for that,I have been held up to ridicule on the chat by someone and I have had to wear that, and it is painful that occaisonally people say nasty things especially in front of other chatters. its always best to send a p,m, if one wants to talk.and then one has to measure there words and can be misunderstood, I hope that I never go through life gossiping and making cruel comments, if I have anything to say its usually in a constructive not destructive way and I do wish others would do the same, I only have one more thing to say and that is ,please just love one and other, take us for who we are and not what others want us to be, acceptance is a wonderful trait. and if anyone makes a cruel comment, have the courage of our convictions and back that person who has been attacked like the lovely chatters have, that have supported you mac, here today.this chat site is a wonderful place where friends gather however there will always be unfortunately those that need to bring another down, it has and will always be that way,unfortunately. I have someone in my life who is critical of others and has a terrible temper, and would step over the top of you to gain her own end, I have tried and tried to teach her loving kindness over and over again, sometimes it is to no avail, but I dont stop loving her I stiill pray that one day she will wake up and smell the roses.but I hope that in Gods good grace that Her behaviour is not miscontrued as my thoughts and my behaviours,because we are as different as chalk to cheese.Mac folk such as yourself who care for their families and try to live by the golden rule are rare,I would never sit in judgement and say cruel things like what you say have been said to you, to use words like sugar daddy, heavens above that expression went out with lace up boots.anyway people be kind, be loving and above all that in the new year perhaps we may all strive to be nicer folk. LANI XXXXX