Lilac Blooms

The old lilac tree stood its ground for decades and was well established producing beautiful aromic blooms every year.

But one morning, after one of the worst storms in living memory, its branches had been ripped off and the old tree had been split down the middle and barely the stumped remained.

It would have been simple to remove it completely and plant something in its place, but with love and care, I would see what the future would bring.

It was very sad to see the area looking bare and empty for a long time, but one day I saw a small green shoot rise from the stump, with more and more each day, until leaves gradually became healthy and glossy.

We all face many setbacks in our life where we have felt torn apart, but if we learn to look forward, we will grow and bloom, just like my lilac tree

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  1. Lilacs figure prominently in the beginning of Walt Whitman’s elegiac poem, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d, about the passing of Abraham Lincoln.specifically the point of view of the persona is that of a witness to the passage of Lincoln’s funeral train as it carries the slain President’s body back to Illinois for burial. The first and third stanzas have reference to lilacs. The poem is among the best examples of Whitman’s work. I am sure you can find it on the Internet.

  2. Glad you all liked it.

    OB, I love lilac and tried to grow two trees in UK where I lived, but the ground was very clay, I guess they dont do well in clay soil. 🙁 And yes, I seem to remember the poem you mentioned.