”The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.”

This was written by a 21 year old female who gets it. It’s her future she’s worried about and this is how she feels about the social welfare system that she’s being forced to live in! These solutions are just common sense in her opinion.

Nov 18, 2011

Put me in charge….

Put me in charge of WINZ food grants, I’d get rid of cash for potato chips or chocolate, just money for 50kg bags od rice and beans and blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Put me in charge of healthcare…The first thing I’d do is get women Norplant birth control implants or tube litigations.. Then we’ll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats and piercings, then get a job.

Put me in charge of government housing. Ever lived in a military barracks?
You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your ”home” will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.

Put me in charge of compulsive job search. In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a ” government” job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put the money toward the ”
common good”.

Before you write that I’ve violated someone’s rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. if you want our money, accept our rules, before you say that this would be ”demeaning” and ruin their ” self esteem,” consider that it wasn’t long ago that taking someone else’s money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.

If we are expected to pay for other people’s mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.

AND While you are on Gov’t… subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!

Yes that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest…..

You will vote for a ‘welfare’ Govt. only. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Govt. welfare cheque.

If you want to vote then get a job.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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  1. Wow, love it Tania! Seems it would solve an awful lot of problems– weed out the ones who milk the system from the ones who really are in need. Thanks for a great blog!

    1. Id like to see a differentiation between those needing long term benefits and those supposedly passing thru the system temporarily.

      Those requiring long term benefits, such as the retired and disabled, should receive a benefit which can give them a decent standard of living, whilst those temporarily unemployed would receive a much lower amount of money, thereby encouraging them to find work, or to sell some of their toys and luxury items to get by.

      I find it offensive to have worked all my life, often paying in to the system whilst working two jobs, to have bought and maintained my own houses, and, to then find I get practically the same amount of money as someone who has contributed nothing to society or the system.

  2. What you are pushing is a dictatorship, you can not control and rule everyones life….as frustrating as it is to us who take responsibility, a person’s life and choices are their responsibility… try good education and secure safe home lives and create the child into the responsible adult……………..

    1. I personally am pushing nothing sirnoodles, I was sent a blog to blog and that is what I did. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion. thank you.

  3. Very good blog Tania. It is about people becoming personally responsibile for themselves. For those who can’t help themselves, that is understandable. But people who abuse are making it hard for those who truly need help. I do agree with sirnoddles about people needing safe home lives and creating responsible adults. Somehow we need to break the cycle of people who live off others. then we can help those who truly need help. Thanks for making us think.

  4. I find this article outrageous ! There ,I’ve said … I can’t hold it any longer…how could a style of government as suggested by this young girl be of any good to any body?
    It would take us back to the dark ages …to slavery and oppression
    To prevent women having children ,because they are poor ? No meat, or chocolate or pizza if people are on a government hand out ?
    To deny the right to vote if they are on a government subsidy ? What would be next ? To chop people’s hands if they steal to feed their families ? To use the guillotine …so they don’t have to feed the prisoners ?
    What is a government there for if not to govern for everyone ? The rich and the poor have the right to a decent life …to food …shelter…education … Health care …and most of all respect ! We are all humans for goodness sake !
    If you and I pay taxes ( and believe me we pay high taxes in Australia ) means that we are lucky enough to have a job !
    I’d rather my money goes to feed the poor than to fatten the pockets of the rich !
    This article was written by a 21 year old girl ,who has probably never known what a life of struggle is. She still has a lot of living and learning to do .
    You know what saddens me ? That people my age finds this article acceptable … That’s what really saddens me….

    1. As chalk said, its widespread in the UK too.
      For one example, there is a distant branch of my family, who encouraged her daughter to have a baby so she could get free housing, and claim whatever she could from the tax payer, just like her mother.

      The daughter not only had one child, but 6 children, and not living with the fathers. To this day she has never worked, and lives comfortably from child support, and everything free including basic food. plus a lot of spending money.

      The daughter now in her mid 40’s and NONE of her children work either.
      They are all sponging off the tax payer.

      They actually treat their claim like a business, searching all the channels of getting money, eqiupment, even how to get susidised vehicles, by claiming disabilities. And before you say that a disablility must be proven, youre wrong. Again its research of studying medical books to learn what illness cannont be proved.
      A master scam.
      And there are thousands doing this.
      It makes me sick. and a mockery of the system.

  5. I think it was about encouraging people to work, not depend on government…which is funded by the working people, mostly middle class. It is not about going to extremes either side. Support those who really need it. Do not let people go hungry. But do provide guidelines so that if you are able to work, you do so. Let government help to provide jobs. If we encourage people to depend on government, then what happens when more are on welfare than are working? Somewhere in the middle…might be reasonable. The frustration is the abuse of the system, not about providing for those in real need.

    1. I know , what you mean Linda , there’s some abuse of the system here also . But in all reality we don’t know the real problems people are facing .
      Generalizing ,and stoning the needy or treating them as an underclass won’t help anybody . A bit of compassion goes a long way .
      I’m in favor of giving people opportunities to earn their own living . You expressed it beautifully …with maturity and wisdom .
      I find the views expressed on this article extreme , harsh , and unacceptable .
      In my opinion .

      1. Thanks Nmod. Appreciate that. This middle class lady is wanting the best for all but also be able to afford to keep a roof over my head. lol I feel for single parents…. they try to work but can’t afford child care.

      2. nmod, I know first hand of a girl being told that if she got pregnant she would be housed here, now don’t you think that is wrong to tell young girls that? How can she financially support a child when she needed a home near to a job?

        1. Yes Tania I agree that it’s wrong to encourage young girls to have babies so they can live off the system ..we should teach our children to respect themselves and we as parents should prepare them to be self sufficient in life . Unfortunately we are all different …and some chose the easy way out .
          Now Tania don’t you think that proposing sterilization of young girls because they are on a government benefit it’s despotic , harsh and abusive in itself?

  6. What it all comes down to is getting a free ride on someone else’s dime. We’re not talking about just a few people here and there. The abuse is widespread here in the U.S. and it’s crippling our economy. Changes HAVE to be made.

    This post has nothing to do with treating poor people badly. This post is directed solely toward those who are abusing the system.

    1. Ok ,Chalkie I take your point . This post is directed solely toward those who are abusing the system .
      Would you consider it appropriate then the sterilization of politicians who live a life of luxury on tax payers money? ( They not only have meat , frozen pizza and chocolate …but also french Champagne and caviar )
      After all…isn’t that a way of abusing the system .?
      Or ” getting a free ride on someone else’s dime” .?
      I think there must be a better way of dealing with the problems facing the world today than going back to the dark ages !
      How many of us would like to live in a society as described above ? I know that I wouldn’t !

  7. I take issue w/ the sterilization thing too.. that’s way too much control over reproductive rights. But I love the idea that if you reproduce you have to work. If you want to eat they have to work. If you have a child YOU are responsible for it, NOT the state. If you want ANYTHING you need to earn it. Again, speaking not to elderly or disabled. And to answer your question, nmod, Yes, i would like to live in a society as described above. People need incentive to work and to take pride in their accomplishment. We have all but removed that from their lives in this day and age. It’s maybe a “harsh” or drastic way to handle it but we are in a dire situation and it needs to be dealt with with extreme measures. I so appreciate your opinion, nmod.. you have a good heart. These are just difficult concepts to grapple with. Good blog, Tania ~ makes u think.

    1. I’m not informed on the real economical situation of your country ,or how your welfare system works … I’m only speaking of my own life experiences here in Australia and in other parts of the world I have lived in or visited .
      Of course in an ideal world everybody would take responsibility for their own keeping and that of those in their care . But unfortunately we don’t live in an ideal world !
      So what do you do with the unemployable , the uneducated , give them some powder milk ,a bag of rice and throw them in the scrap heap?
      How about educating / training them and creating jobs that are reasonably paid so they can earn a decent living ?
      In this time and age of technology and globalization .Jobs are being lost by the minute and replaced by machines or taking overseas to countries where labor is cheap .
      So what is there to do ? there are not simple solutions to a very grave problem facing the world today .

  8. Ok I need educating here, where do they currently have sterilization in the free world? I personally don’t know so someone enlighten please. Where are we practicing slavery? I keep hearing “dark ages” tossed around here and even in my own local media. The REAL issue at hand is we have people who milk the system for a FREE ride period! Let’s not dramatize a discussion to prove a
    legitimate problem. Ann your post is spot on and deserves credit. Just like any other “abuse” this should be and should have been dealt with. The scale has tipped in America grossly!! We have more takers currently than providers. I for one am outraged I have to pay for; abortions, free food, healthcare, NEW cars, FREE housing that I do not have as a TAX PAYER. I can’t believe anyone would think we are talking about taking from the elderly and real needy. The article and replies are directed to the abuse of the system by the takers ONLY not the needy. People are tired of paying for deadbeats plain and simple. If you reproduce, pay for your own and stop draining off me. I work for every single luxury I have and didn’t get one penny from my fellow tax payer. If you don’t work and give back, you should not eat. Disclaimer>>>>I am NOT talking about the “true” needy.

    1. Hahaha, you made me laugh with your reply …sterilization means forced birth control by an operation ( tube ligation in women ) she doesn’t talk about men contraceptive measures so you are safe ! And you have a job ….it’s only for those in welfare ! 🙂

  9. Nmod, I’m confused – the article answers those questions (what you do with the unemployable or uneducated) You may not like it but it is addressed. How is giving people food and shelter but then having them give BACK in some capacity the same as “throwing them in the scrap heap”? How is making them work for the “luxuries” that they want as opposed the the actual physical “needs” a hateful or horrible and abusive or dictatorial thing? I don’t understand why anyone would be opposed to most of this article (as I said, I’m not FOR sterilization at all, just taking responsibility for the children you bring into the world). Seems to me that the concept is simple. The implementation of it…maybe not so much.

    1. Dear Millie , is not my intention to offend anyone who believes in that article .
      I only stated my own opinion about it . I’m only talking about how I feel about it according to my own life experiences .
      I could go on and on but it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to do so ,because I don’t know much about the social problems in your country or any other country other than this …my country .
      I respect your opinion and that of all other people who replied to this post .
      It’s clear that my interpretation of this article is different to yours and many others on here.
      So this is it from me …
      I have immense appreciation and respect for you , Chalkie . Tania , Linda and many others on here . This is not , never meant to be a personal attack on anyone…just a difference of opinion . xxx

      1. Nmod I never saw you stating your opinion as a personal attack, so please don’t feel that way. And I would never attack you personally no matter how vehemently I might disagree with you. It never helps to attack the person and I always try to stay to the issue at hand. I felt you did the same. The truth is I don’t disagree entirely with you at all. I was only stating an opinion and then asking for clarification on yours, but I’m willing and ready to put this to rest also. Thank you for the comment about respect and please know II feel the same way about you — always have 🙂 xo

  10. nmod I understand what sterilization is. That really is a whole other topic. Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I thought this particular blog was in reference to people getting free rides off American government ( we the tax payers). If a veteran or person who cannot provide for themselves, by all means let’s help them. Our system is all but bankrupt because of abuse. I am not one in favor of being “controlled” by a government to benefit others who choose to be deadbeats. It’s very simple. It does a human grave disservice to teach them to be lazy. What it seems most people don’t realize is, these people are taking handouts from the one’s who work and give NOTHING back. It’s wrong in any language! My type work exposes me to this type every single day. I assure you ma’am 80% of these people are able bodied humans who could provide for themselves and DON”T. I see daily people who, the hardest labor they do is to the mailbox and bank. They live well better than I and most people reading this. Again, I’m not for sterilization but if you can’t self provide for your offspring then don’t produce them just to get a check from me! Ever heard the biblical term..”give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for life’? I say if we’re going to “give” let’s stop the freebies and “give” an education. It’s backwards!! Just my 2cents

    1. Nmod I wanted to tell you also that this not a personal attack to you. We simply differ in our opinions on this subject. I think you are a great contribution to SC.
      You do have an interesting view and well spoken. We just respectfully disagree and continue to enjoy the banter. “J”

  11. Just for information sake, Florida has become the first state to require a drug test for anyone receiving welfare benefits……you want our money, pass a drug test.