It’s Groundhog Day !

Five Little Groundhogs

The first little groundhog digs a home in the fall,
And curls up all winter rolled up like a ball.

The second little groundhog comes out of his lair,
On February second to get some fresh air.

The third little groundhog looks up at the sun,
He then sees his shadow and goes on the run.

The fourth little groundhog at his dark shadow peeks,
He goes back to his burrow for six more weeks.

The fifth little groundhog hopes that skies will be gray,
So that he will know that spring is on its way.

Happy Groundhog Day everyone x

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  1. I had to look in the dictionary to see what groundhog is ! It’s a marmot ,or marmota in Spanish !
    I really loved this little poem ,more so after knowing the meaning of it …which is the marking of the half way into winter only 6 more weeks to spring ,or something like that …
    So sweet ,I loved it !