The minute some of Ellvistra’s precious love potion splashed onto his feet, an enormous change came over Stinky. He no longer struggled to get the bottle out of Elvistra’s hands, as a huge, infatuated smile came across his face, and his eyes seemed to go around in circles and bulge out of his head in a most alarming fashion. His face turned a bright red as his excitement grew. He clasped his hands around his large tummy, and started doing a little dance.

Knowing what was happening, Elvistra let out a howl of anguish. “OH NOOOOO!”

“Elvistwa, I finks I wuvs you,” he cried. “You are… sooo …. bootiful! I want to …. mawwy you, WIGHT NOW!”

“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SLIMY TOAD” Elvistra shrieked. Stinky tried to grab her, but Elvistra yanked her arm away, turned around and ran back the path towards Bugan’s hut.

“Bugan had better do something about this,” she said in between gritted teeth. “Bugan had better … unspell him, or whatever it is witches do! I’ll throttle her scrawny neck if she doesn’t.”

Stinky lumbered along behind her. “Wait for me Elvistwa!” he cried, panting heavily. “I can’t wun as fast as you can – wait up!”

“GO AWAY,” Elvistra yelled over her shoulder. “LEAVE… ME… ALONE!”


Half way up the hill, Stinky ran out of breath, and had to stop, his chest heaving with effort as he tried to catch his breath.

Elvistra looked back and seeing him stop, increased her pace and charged up the hill to Bugan’s hut. Bugan was still busily stirring her huge cauldron when Elvistra ran into the hut and grabbed her in a tackle which brought both of them down onto the ground.

Elvistra hopped on top of Bugan and grabbed her by the throat. “I spilled… some of this …love potion of yours … onto Stinky’s feet … and now he’s in love with me.” she said panting heavily.

“Ha ha ha ha!” roared Bugan. “That’s priceless! Serves you right – not my fault, you asked for the love potion and you knew what would happen if it spilled on any elf’s feet.’

Elvistra tightened her grip on Bugan’s throat. “So you think it’s funny do you? Well you’d better break this spell on Stinky or … I’ll break your neck.” She shook Bugan vigorously.

“Stop it Elvistra! It’s no good threatening me – I can’t undo this spell – there is absolutely nothing I can do to break it.”

“NOTHING?” Elvistra shrieked.

“No, nothing,” Bugan said.

Elvistra sat back on her heels and thought about it for a moment. Then she got up and yanked Bugan back onto her feet.

“Alright, you stand right here in front of me and don’t move a muscle,” Elvistra growled.

Bugan stood bent over, coughing and rubbing her sore neck. “You didn’t have to throttle me you know, I could’ve told you there is nothing I can do about this spell. I warned you beforehand that it was foolproof.”

At that moment, panting heavily, Stinky lumbered into the hut. “Elvistwa my wuv, where are you?” he cried, and began looking around the hut wildly.

Quick as a flash, Elvistra leaned over from behind Bugan, and tossed some of her potion onto Slinky’s feet, and darted behind Bugan.

Startled, Stinky stopped, looked up at Bugan and once again, his face became red, eyes swivelled and bugged out of his head, and he bared his teeth in a huge, infatuated grin.

“Why Bugan, you are … sooo bootiful … I wuvs you…”

“OH NOOOO!” Bugan the Witch howled. “OH NOOOOOOO!”

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  1. hi jojo,

    I just took a break to catch up with elvistras story. I missed the first couple of chapters, as they aren’t there anymore. Or at least I couldn’t see them. However, I’m still enjoying whats going on now. As a novice at this game, its nice to see how it should be done. Although I know you are writing this for children, it puts me in mind of Terry Pratchett. Silly, and so much fun. Please keep it up. 🙂

  2. hi jo jo, just caught up with chapter 7. I love this story. Wish we all had potions and powers. There,s not much I want in life that I don,t get, and I don,t mean material things either, but just once in a while I,d like to be naughty, and make someone ” mean ” look silly. Wiggle my nose and have a few wrinkles disappear,or have dinner materialize, without having to prepare it. Sigh…… better go and do that right now.

    1. Thanks so much Jimbo, I’m delighted you are enjoying my fantasia story as indeed I am enjoying your adult fantasy story. I don’t know anything about Terry Pratchett – could you please explain him to me? It might help me with the continuation of this story.

      Meanwhile, I really appreciate you comments.

    2. Thanks so much Cag – I know exactly what you mean when you say you wish we had potions to cast spells on people who are nasty – harmless but hard to endure spells like Delphistra cast on Elvistra whereby every time Elvistra bends over, she breaks wind and whenever she gets really angry, every hair on her head stands up on end making her look like an angry porcupine (chapter 2).

      Thanks so much for your comments – I really appreciate them.