I have ..

I have this pain inside of me
It doesn’t want to let me live
I have this emptiness eroding my soul
Of not having you …here at all .

I have this hollow …deserted …
Colorless …vast arid space
Surrounding my heart
It’s brown …barren…and quiet …
Oh so very quiet …there’s not life !

You have taken all I had
Only a fading beat was left behind
Just enough to keep me going
Like a zombie …wondering why .

I didn’t want to say goodbye
So I held on tight to the nothingness I had
And tears flowed when realized
That nothingness ..can’t hold me up

And down below the dark abyss
Waiting to swallow me into its arms
Ready to shred whatever it’s left
Of what I once… called my life .

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  1. nmod what a deep mournful poem………..written from experiencing these emotions I would think…………..lucky are the few who have never had to endure this heartache, either through death or broken love affairs…………I have, and know exactly what you are feeling……….been there, done that, as have so many other’s………..life sucks at times doesn’t it. xxx

  2. Your blog is just what I am feeling right now nmod?. It’s would have been my husband’s Birthday today and word’s can’t express how I feel, I miss him so very much. But life goes on, and I know I will have the joy of meeting him again some day soon!. Thank you for expressing word’s that I always find so hard to do.I hope your sadness passes soon? You have my prayer’s and I will be thinking of you today. x

  3. Norma , Yes have had those same feelings when I lost my Ed but had my children and friends and was able to not let myself get depressed and know I will be with my husband again one day . Great poem and hope you will find the right person as I am sure there is someone out there for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Marie

  4. I’m feeling this way now nmod – my beautiful Phoebe left me in September and the emptiness is hard to bear. This is one of the reasons I have not been on SC for some time. These feelings, as you have described them, just don’t seem to want to go away. I have been sleeping a lot because that is the only way I can ease the pain.
    I hope one day soon your pain will ease and life can begin again for you.
    Take care Love fy2 xoxox

  5. Sad poem n, mod, do have a wonderful christmas my dear friend, and a most wonderful happy and fulfilling new year , please sat happy christmas to roy bonano for me when you see him next, if you can xxxxx