I Do Not Respect Your Opinion

I do not respect your opinion if it lacks empathy and compassion towards all of your fellow creatures.

I do not respect your opinion if it is blind to everyone’s needs but your own.

I do not respect your opinion if it threatens the clean air, water and Earth we all want our children’s children to have.

I do not respect your opinion if it discriminates against anyone or denies any human rights at all.

I do not respect your opinion if it involves cruelty in any form, either against humans or animals.

I do not respect your opinion if it does not allow you to leave the world a better place than you found it.

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  1. Laurie, I do respect your opinion. I hope I leave the world a better place, but I only know that I try. Thank you for this blog. The first is most important. Sympathy and empathy.

  2. Good blog Lauri…it made me think … I’m sure that most of us have in one way or another failed to comply with some of these. Specially the last one .
    Am I leaving the world a better place than when I’ve arrived ? I doubt it …I’m guilty of wasting too much of everything ,resources ,food,water,time etc . 🙁

  3. Laurie , great blog, As you probably know by now , I am a saver of the trees and the bushland , it does not only feed and protect our wonderful animals and birdlife, but also purifies the air, and the damage to the Amazon rainforest by greedy foresters have forgotten that the Amazon forest is the lungs of the world, cuting trees down for chipping is more important to them , making money is all they care about… We must try to save the Amazon Rainforest..
    We can’t always walk in someone elses shoes , for they don’t belong to us, but we can walk alongside and do what we can, to make this world a better place , both for oursleves and the generations coming along after us ….