I can translate that! (A short popsicle story)

(I wrote and posted this to another site in 2011. I thought I’d share with you all, since it’s now officially summer….:) )

“Hi nay-buh, ow tuns aw tuck thoo thuh pah-i-uhl!” Okay, you can translate it too. Stick your tongue out, and say (out loud) “Hi neighbor, our tongues are stuck to the popsicles!” It should sound something like the first sentence.

My two little neighbor girls, ages 4 and 7, and their boy cousin, age 9, ran over to greet me as I pulled up into my driveway yesterday evening. The had just bought popsicles from the ice cream truck. They were really trying to convince me that their tongues were frozen to their treats!! The cuteness of it all was made complete by blue, green and orange popsicle juices running down chins, onto little t-shirts.

So, this after my sentimental boo-hooing earlier in the day, about missing the days when my kids were little. What a gift! It was like God smiled and winked at me.

Not to say that ANYONE could replace my own kids. But that couple of minutes sure warmed my heart and made me laugh!

Anyone who really knows me, know how much children mean to me, what joy they bring to my life. For me… goofy, sticky-faced kids = moments that make memories.

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  1. aww, such a cute story and picture.. and so sweet that they wanted to share w/ you. maybe ur kids are grown but sounds like u still have a lot of love to offer the little ones ~ lucky kids 😛

    1. Hi Benny Boy. Love your name, my son’s name is Benjamin, affectionately called Ben or Benny. 🙂 Yes, I’m sure a popsicle is similar to an ice lolly. Thanks for reading my post!

  2. I find with age I am able to truly enjoy and appreciate the special magic that children offer. As a divorced parent who could only get my daughter every other weekend I truly appreciate how precious those young years are. Now as a grandparent, school volunteer reader and a mall Santa I am enjoying being able to share time with these little bundles of joy. Your story expresses well the kinds of humour and joy they can bring to us if we only take the time to accept it. I truly feel sorry for those who have not learned of the miracle of a child’s laughter. Thank you for Sharing…Fee