Holidays, Not Magical Anymore

Holidays, Not Magical Anymore

Well it is Easter today for some of us. I am wondering what this one is all about like I do on most most other holidays. The magic and excitement is missing. My beliefs have changed and the holidays remain unchanged. Take this Easter Holiday for example. I just try to make some good food and share it with family or friends. I may make some typical holiday food and I may not. I was just trying to figure out if I am going to wear some spring looking clothes today that may not be new, but haven’t been worn to church before, but I am considering not attending church at all and avoiding the decision. I also don’t need to hear the Easter story again; I think I got it down by now.

Are holidays confusing for others and maybe sad by remembering family that is gone or scattered? Have you figured out what all those eggs, chicks, and bunnies, and spring flowers ARE all about? Why can’t we just celebrate that? I think people in most cultures in earlier times did celebrate life just because they knew it was important. So I will do that also, today.

I wish I didn’t have to face the issue of offending others because I don’t share their beliefs. I wish we could all celebrate as children who only see the joy in what is good and real.

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  1. I was down at my ex sister in law’s yesterday, Eater Saturday. The had her son and daughter in law and their young child there. My great niece.

    Now I’ve said on many occasions both public and private on here that I don’t do little kids well, but this one’s a gem. A little diamond.

    I watched her open her Easter eggs. I watched her play with the Easter bunny cuddly toy I’d brought for her.

    I am not and never have been a believer in any religion, but yesterday was magic for me.

    It was magic because of a child’s eyes wide in wonder and pleasure.

    You don’t have to believe in a religion. You just have to watch the face of a child to make any holiday magic again.

  2. Rose that was a very well written point in my opinion. I can only speak for American culture but I celebrate Easter for the true meaning which is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord. Back in my childhood I remember no one watered down the meaning of this celebration nor dare attempted to make us feel guilty for fear of offending someone. We have become so “tolerate” of other’s “feelings” we have been muzzled to the point we cannot happily enjoy our lives. So fearful of offending someone. I well remember in America when the celebration of Christmas was was about the birth of Christ and on I could go. I for one do not submit to the “new neutral”. Lets not offend anyone mentality.
    What about them who offend us? Why not just everyone celebrate their holidays their way and not force their way on us? I still celebrate Easter in the intended meaning as I do all other holidays . Life is short, I am happy, I make them around me happy (most of the time) lol. Celebrate as you wish. Be happy for what and who you are and make no apologies.

    1. jsmile. Too often in USA people thing that their religion is a fact and shared by all and it is spread everywhere to everyone and to public spaces. Religion is a belief; NOT a fact.

      1. Good blog, and Jsmile, fantastic reply… no reason to apologize for believing what you do and for the fact that we still live in a country that holds to these traditional celebrations. Not sure how much longer that will be the case but glad that in this country at least we are still allowed to do so w/o fear of persecution – not true in other countries. Rose, I believe that what u said in reply is not the case, esp in this day and age. It’s hardly forced on anyone w/ this politically correct environment in which we live… In fact it’s not even okay to mention the facts of the historical religion for the most part. In any event, we (as a family) participate in the holiday fun of it all w/ chicks and bunnies and eggs, and that, I believe, is to celebrate “new life”, most strongly depicted in the resurrection of Christ so long ago. That’s what we are celebrating ~ everyone else can choose to celebrate (or not) however they wish. It’s a free country! Thanks for the blog.

      2. Rose thank you for your thought on my reply. I would like to point out one thing if I may; I personally do not claim a “religion”. By that I mean my “beliefs” do not matter one bit. We could argue holidays and religion all day long and still our minds never change. Most people who do not believe in God are offended at the mention of his name in any setting. Which has made me always wonder why? If a person doesn’t believe in something how can they object to it? I do not and never will debate with an Atheist because I don’t believe in their thinking. The only reason for Easter is to celebrate the rising of Christ. That’s not my “belief” that’s just fact. It’s sinful human nature to deny God exists. If one denies him, in his or her mind they do not have to be responsible for their thoughts and actions. People do not like to be held accountable this day in time. Admitting there is a God means one has to be accountable to him. Denying his existence leaves a people to self accountability and that is sad in many ways. Whether I believe in God or Easter or any relation to him for that matter does not change the fact he is still the Lord of lords.
        I do not celebrate Easter because I “believe”. I celebrate because I was favored in his eye before he created the earth to be his child. Nothing of my doing but all him.

        1. jsmile. I believe in being the best human I possibly can because that is the best and smartest way to live. I am very accountable and always have been, but also fallible. My Christain friends, who are really Christain have no problem with me whatsoever and we see no difference in each other.

  3. Well…………time changes things that’s true……and we embrace the change…..the Easter story doesn’t change however……its about new life… yes spring flowers… chicks…..a new start…..a fresh view……..why not?….Most of my holiday days are usually spent with some of my family……if they weren’t available well…….I would just enjoy the days anyway…..its all in the mind set…..I think….
    xxxxxx M

    1. As Morvenna said, its a state of mind. Its not up to the bunny to come to you. You have to go out and find the bunny.
      If you are lucky enough to have family, then consider yourself blessed. That’s where your bunny lays.
      I am totally alone, and spend every Christmas, Birthday, Easter, Thanksgiving alone with my dog, but I don’t give up. I make the best of what I have in my mind, and I go out and find the magic. Its there, you just have to believe.
      Wishing you all a magical holiday. 😀

      1. Rose , enjoyed reading your blog and hope you are spending the day with your family. I am spending Easter with my daughter, son in law and grandson Joey as Ryan didn’t come home this weekend from college . We are going up to Barretts restaurant for dinner in the Hunt Valley Center. Some years I would go up to Westfield, Ma. and spend Easter with my son but am not able to go anymore because of he has a 2 story house and it is hard to go up and down the stairs.

    2. MsVal. I hope something good happens for you in a big way, but in the meantime try really hard to count your blessing, and if you have a roof over your head, you have a big one. If you have heat and food that is huge. If you are safe and health, thats a lot. Then you are free to work on other things. We in some countries take so much for granted. I also know it isn’t easy, but you have to try.

  4. Well Rose I believe easter are a highly business festival for shop owners. In a opinion survey here in Germany 6 weeks before easter in ground school brought the result, you wan’t believe it, 78% of the kid didn’t know the relevance of easter. And that’s no joke.

  5. I don’t see why you should think you are offending someone because you celebrate something your way.I think we are entitled to celebrate it our way. I do.Easter is about my religion and it’s about family and I love it .The kids love to go to mass then come home hide their eggs,it’s a wonderful time then we finished with a BBQ yesterday and other family members.Certainly don’t see that I offended anyone in the way it was celebrated.