GREMLINS Chapter 2

My journey around Senior Chatters. Is a very fascinating experience, and I love all the things I learn, the people I meet ,while roaming freely through the corridors of this world.
People come in, and some stay awhile,others a bit longer ,but then people like me find a place that feels like home,so they put their feet up and stay.

I spend a lot of my free time here in chatters ,much to the disapproval of my family.their always telling me
“Get off the computer get in the real world.”
“Sorry I thought I was in the real world.These people are my friends.”
I know when they are happy,I feel when they are hurting,we pull together to help each other get through these hard times. How much more do you need to make it a real world?

There are some that come that don’t see it as a real world,cause a lot of hurt as they pass by. I have seen this happen and I have experienced it. The wonder of chatters sets in and love takes a hold and helps you through it.

Yesterday Whippet put a link up,like he is so wonderful at doing,thanks Whipps I looked at it and clicked on it, watched it and thought about it ,was nice but then went on with chat.
Then I started to cry as thoughts came to me I had tried so hard to hide. This link was about people coming into our lives and the difference they make to it, how we don’t always know the reason they were there.

I met a man on here and had a nice relationship with him good friends,then it became more,but as we all know long distance is a hard way to have a relationship as I kept telling him,anyway after a few months,it finished no word why just nothing,no reason why,no answer to any message that I wrote.The feelings of rejection hurt,but I got on with life and the wonderful chatters did their magic.
I forgave him and decided to just have fun on here,no more getting close to anyone,just be here to support others, tried it but it just wasn’t me,so just carried on as I had been doing.

I now realize after that link from Whipps,that that person was good for me,it was good in that it taught me after so long,that I am able to fall in love again. You see after a marriage that was not easy,I always said I would never get involved with another man. I want to thank you Brin for coming into my life,showing me I am capable of falling in love again and the experience that I have had,thank Chatters for the place for these experiences to take place,I know Rob don’t read this as we are not a dating site! I hear you, it was done off site promise.

Today in chat I experienced another example of people coming into our lives for a reason and another wonderful example of the friendship that’s is abound in the chat room. How friends bond together to try to help someone in need.Things don’t always get fixed, but it’s wonderful to see people really caring enough to try to help another person.

Have had that saying said to me many times
“People come into your lives for a reason.” “Things happen for a reason”
Never thought much about it,but now think it maybe true,hope that we all in chatters are here for a reason,we do good by being here for others and that we help by our presence. Thank you one and all for making my trips in my gremlin such a wonderful experience.

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  1. macathy i wasnt going to read this because usually i just read the blogs that give me a laugh but i am so glad that i did read it now. you have a wonderful way with words and it sums up chatters just right. i thoroughly enjoyed reading it and very well done.

  2. Mac, you are such a beautiful, beautiful person!!! What a wonderful, touching post. ….Very well said. What a wonderful, uplifting way to start my day. Thank you for sharing those words with us.

  3. Wonderful wonderful post! SO glad I read it! Mac, you’re not the only one on here who “fell” and then was just… left. Without a word. Yeah, I felt stupid, yeah, I felt used, and yeah all the rest of it. When WILL I learn? LOL! BUT – life does go on, and while it still hurts sometimes there are wonderful people on here, and in the physical world, and it is nice to know that falling can happen at any age. Thanks for writing mac!

    1. Dodmothersuperior thanks for your reply and as I said below I was really writing this to show that things happen for a reason,but I have had a number of people contact me to say it has happened to them. I am sorry to you and hope you have grown big enough to forgive him ,as it’s much better then being bitterxxxxxxxxxx hugs ,

  4. wonderful blog, maccie..chatters has been a life saver and a life line for many including me..i’m so sorry to know how you were hurt..and to just disappear with no reason why is such an awful thing to do to a happens with friends,too sadly..i think having anybody just turn their back on you with no discussion is hard to get one’s mind feels like you weren’t worth a little work or even a good bye…but life goes on.. so you pick up the pieces and move on..

    thank you for baring your soul,’s not an easy thing to do..♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Kat thank you for everything ,yes people often forget that they are dealing with others feelings and hurt so easy.Hopefully we are big enough to forgive ,not alway easy but I think it’s best for me anyway ,can’t live and feel anger to another it makes me into something I am not.

  5. Wonderful blog mac and it does help to unload and we can do this on this great site. I think it is uncaring to leave someone like that without a word, and therefore you are probably better without him, but having said that, it doesn’t ease the hurt. I for one am so grateful for the friends I have on here and SC is a wonderful enhancement to my life. Take care Mac and know that we are all here for you in any circumstance. God bless you xo

  6. I want to reply to you all and say ,that I wrote this blog to show that things happen for a reason ,not to show I was hurt but to be able to say thanks that it happened .
    That it made me a better person from the experience .We often don’t think at the time that it was a good thing ,but after a time we are able to look at it and see it was ,this is how I see this event in my life ,

  7. darling Mac…had me crying again….lovely blog…so true…even though we have friends..’Out There’…there is always room for more…love expands…and before we know it ..we are caught up in yet another family…another group….I have some lovely lovely friends on here…and my aim is to get to know them better…and Mac is counted in with them.
    Thanks Mac
    Much Love

  8. Morv thanks for coments and your friendship,I value it tremendously ,yes our lives and Herats are big enough to take in others if we let them .iI have come to relies that I dont talk to as many as I should on here so am going to try to change that .

  9. had to respond to this, truly lovely to read this mac, and glad you came out on top. ya know if we dont know how bad, bad is, we sure dont ever know how good, good can be……. xxx

    hugs to all, who suffer but come out on top xxx