Gossip, Loose Lips Sink Ships

How many people know all about this saying, “Loose Lips Sink Ships”. Funny, I heard it since childhood and never knew what it was all about. A definite failure in my education because I certainly went to enough schools. I think we need another campaign world wide campaign to end gossip. People are destroying each other with a lot of unnecessary or false rumors.

By the way, the campaign was in World War II, to prevent civilians from talking and giving out information to the enemy and you did not know who the spies or enemies were. Gossip in families can be like that or I am just cursed with some family member who are afflicted with a rare and most pernicious type of disease There may be a genetic flaw. Some people in my family live on gossip. They make up ugly stories and repeat them for years. Why, has taken me on a study of this type of affliction.

I could go on and on about the horrors and destruction caused by loose talk and the vilest and most virulent forms of gossip that kills relationship much life cancer kills a body. I and you may label the person instead of the sickness. So and so is a busy body, but so and so is not talking to her or himself. The gossiping is contagious and it spreads, and you are infected or being attacked. I will focus instead on a cure for a truly destructive sickness.

I realized that I never spread any unfounded rumor as fact, nor did I lie about anyone, but I fell into a category that spread information to people that were not trustworthy and would use the information to damage and destroy. You never know when you are talking to a person of this type. The remedy to this vile sickness is to consider the following remedy to controll your own “LOOSE LIPS”.

I saw this poster and it will cure you of harming others with your LOOSE LIPS.
T is for think.
H is for helping.
I is for Inspiring.
N is for Necessary.
K is for Kind.

This is a small capsule to be taken in its entirety if you want to lift people up, instead of dragging them down, you will need to BITE your TONGUE a lot, but the cure is more than worth it. You WILL have to be EXCLUDED or walk away from a person or group. I cannot imagine living life and waiting for your false statements to catch up with you, or to know that your words are false or that you are mean- spirited with little or no capacity for compassion and sympathy. TAKE the CURE. The world will be a safer place and united in a common cause that is beneficial to all. My father tried to teach us all “to spend half our time minding our own business and the other leaving the other person alone”. The CURE requires TIME and FOCUS or you will fall victim to a vile and loathsome sickness.

I do not choose to repeat the loathsome stories that have been created in my family that are totally false or just plain mean and unkind. I think all people have some form of the GOSSIP sickness. We all have to be on vigilant and keep a remedy with us at all times.

Talking about others is part of our DNA, our talk can BUILD or it can destroy. You need to know that you have a choice and there is no other choice. You think you can just laugh and take it lightly; no that is not a choice. You need to recognize signs and symptoms and you need to know that it will spread to you and bring you down like an insidious and harmless freckle that turns into a deadly disease with an awful destructive power. I don’t think it is possible to take GOSSIP too SERIOUSLY.

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  1. I tried many times to upload a pic of the American Loose lips phto and I cannot do that. I have not been able to post other photos either. I had no trouble with other photos that I did after my first, or second attempt. I finally had to post with no pic. You will need to google “Loose Lips photos” and you will see photos from your country and others.

  2. BLOOM, we had posters all over Sydney ,during and after w.w.2 ican remember as a little child when I was taken to go shopping these posters were all over the light poles etc… it reffered to not discussing anything pertaining to the war and our soldiers who were fighting in the trenches over there,not say anything about where they might be or what they might be doing, My Aunt explained it to me at that time…. it would go well for all to remember that in these days that loose talk can not only damage but it can cause great heartache not only for a Country but for everyone else…..