
Today I discovered that one of our stalwarts has left the site. Faye.

She will be sorely missed by friends, but perhaps she should be missed more especially by the vast majority of the members, whether they be established or new, that she helped keep safe by prowling the halls removing under-agers and undesirables.

Her work on this site over the years was prodigious and always for the benefit of us, the members.

I din’t speak to her often, but i counted her a friend. I will miss her.

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  1. Awee so so sad to hear that……she is a lovely lovely lady, bu tI’m still in contact with her……..this news is such a shame and I endorse all what you say Way…..
    SC won’t be the same without ‘our’ Faye…


    1. oh Way, this is such a shock,I think the world of Faye, she is the stalwart of this chat site,Always helpfull, I understand her family situation at the minute and wish Faye God Speed, many blessings and a sincere wish for the Universe to spread their wings and hold her, thank you Faye for all your help, kindness and consideration to all. much love. xxxxxxx.

  2. Oh Way sorry to see this..I knew one of my friends had gone this morning but never realised it was Faye….. she has done so much for this site she will be missed by many.I agree with you debz.

  3. I’m so very sad to see Faye leave. She has done an amazing job here, and has done so much for the benefit of so many. She always looked out for all of the members, and has been so helpful and supportive of us monitors. A good friend, indeed. She will certainly be missed. xxx

  4. My heart is heavy with profound sadness and sorrow. Thank you Way for the blog. SC will be forever changed with the loss of Faye. She is a grand lady – full of compassion, concern, passion, understanding, and love for all people Faye has helped me many times with SC issues or concerns. I quickly noticed her attitude of…how can we make this right, how can I make it better? Faye has helped me to laugh when I was crying. And cry when I needed to but couldn’t get it out. She and I share the belief that difference is simply that – different, and it should be celebrated not judged as right or wrong. I love her great sense of humor. Somehow, Faye found the perfect blend of being a monitor simultaneously while being herself maintaining and building friendships her humanity, the very essence of Faye always intact. I am very proud and honored to call her my friend. Godspeed and God bless Faye. Love, Denise xxxxxxx

  5. Thank you for letting us know, Way…Faye was a lovely person,always efficient,helpful and caring…and she had a wicked sense of humour. I feel sad that she’s gone,and so suddenly. She’ll be a miss to the whole site.

  6. I totally agree with all the comments made here..I didnt get the opportunity to speak with Faye as much as I would have liked to..but a great lady ,a good monitor…and she will be missed.
    Shame she has had to leave us…but who knows she may come back…i hope…
    All the the best Faye.xxxx

  7. Dear Faye..i,m so sorry to hear that uve left us..you have been here from the start..doing your job as admin quietly and efficiently,as only you could do.A freind to all and an enemy to none..If you feel you can come back to us,i know for a fact you will be welcomed with open arms..Much love Faye to you and yours.xxx

  8. It is sad to see someone leave SC after so many years and so much work. But I can understand why. Being an admin or in the position she had been, you have to deal with trying to make everyone happy. Which is impossible. I could see how things may have taken a toll on her. I am hoping it is just a brief vacation from SC. We probably all need to take short vacations from even our volunteer jobs. For those who know her and keep in touch, thank her for her work. Wish she could be around for the homecoming to see those she knew over the years. When she feels up to it, I hope she returns.

  9. Just got back, and read the goodbyes from kat to Faye. I didn’t believed it that Faye is leaving us till I saw Ways blog. We will missed her a lot and hope she’ll come back again in the future.

  10. I am shocked that Faye has left us,she will be missed by all and I am down hearted, the site wont be the same with out her,could always depend on faye what ever the time always got a reply if help was needed, I hope that she will come back now and then , faye you did a great job , and will miss you , now is the time you for you to have some me time good luck and hope you keep happy and healthy,

  11. This is a loss for SC. Faye was the very first one to friend and welcome me to the site. She also helped me when I had tech issues. When I went in chat she always was so nice to me. I don’t know why she left but, As many here do, I will miss her.

  12. Faye I will miss you as you are such a fine person. I hope you do well with your future endeavors. I hope you will be happy. You were such a fine administrator. Take care and be well. I hope the best for you..

  13. OMG THIS IS THE WOREST NEWS AV HAD SINCE I JOINED SHE WAS A GR8 HELP TO ME SINCE DAY ONE SHE BELIEVED IN ME WHEN OTHERS DIDNT AM SO UPSET BY THIS NEWS so sorry folk for the caps but I am terribly upset with this news she helped me recently over the phone call threats and other threats this past three weeks what bother s me a lot a fine lady like her has left and the MAN behind all the bother me and my friends have had to endure is still on this site and HE knows whom he is. Perhaps he should do the honourable thing and leave us

  14. This is a shock! Dear Faye I pray that you will get through this time in your life and that you will come back to us when you are ready. As everyone has said, you will be deeply missed. You were always there for everyone and we hope we can be there for you. God bless you and keep you in his care always. Love fy2 xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  15. Well just want to say that I didn’t talk to you Faye much but I know she will be missed by everyone in S.C. My prayers and thoughts are with you and do hope you will be able to return to S.C. one day in the near future. All the best Anne Marie