I have no idea of the origin of these.

None of these are my words.

1) All problems have a solution. The difficult part is finding them
2) Courage is like a bank account. Each of us has only so much.
3) They say all things come to he who waits, but they come a lot faster if you go out and hunt for what you want
4) Do the thing you fear and the death of that fear is certain.
5) When all seems lost and despair is rampant, then there comes a man. He may not look much and he may not seem to do much, but he is always there. And he always makes a difference.

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  1. #4, petrified of heights!!! If only I could get the nerve, I KNOW IT WOULD DIE! Cant muster that nerve no way, no how! Maybe somebody could push me out an airplane preferably with a parachute on? LOL…

    Love #3 Way, too true!

        1. Course I will, Helen….scream n cry as much as you want- I’d LOVE to do a jump! I’d look after you….then you could buy me a double gin n tonic! And we could boast bout how brave we’d been!
