Father Christmas – My Theory

After extensive research I offer the following theory.
“Father Christmas” is actually a benevolent, shape changing Alien who exists in a separate Space-Time Continuum. His sleigh and Reindeer are cloaking devices for the vehicle in which he travels and this may have some indirect bearing on the UFOs seen periodically in our skies.

Consider the facts:
He must be benevolent as he gives away presents with no thought of reward.
He must be able to Shape Change in order to access property via chimneys, under doors etc.
He must operate in a different Time. This explains how he manages to achieve so much in what is one night to us. This is probably a whole year’s work to him.
Since Reindeer on this planet do not fly a cloaking device turning an alien vehicle into something we can understand seems to be logical although there is no evidence to support this. It is possible that the “Reindeer” are actually Extra Terrestrial beings.

This is my theory. The only other explanation is that he does not exist which is, of course, ridiculous.

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