Dreams happen sometimes

Last night I dreamed I was being chased by an alligator. The alligator was in the middle of the air, and he was coming right at me. Then I realized I was floating in space right along with the gator. When I looked down and saw that my feet weren’t on the ground, the dream got scary. I woke up at that point. It was nearly morning so I got up and poured out some cornflakes. The sound of the cereal falling into the bowl was sure comforting, telling me that …yes you’re awake and in your house and not floating around anywhere. No critters anywhere either.
My wife used to learn about what dreams meant, she had books about dreams and other new age stuff all around the house. She liked to talk about it. I just didn’t dream very much back then. I do now because of my blood pressure medication. She’d probably have a lot to say about all the dreams I have nowadays. When we were together are house was full of candles and windchimes and little statues of goddesses and such. All that’s gone but she did leave a book on the shelf that was one of her favorites, Our Cosmic Ancestors. It’s got something to do with our history and space aliens. She believed all that stuff. I think I’ll start reading that book today.
I know a few people who think they’ve seen a UFO. I can’t say that I have, but maybe I will. We have some real clear nights out here, and I sure do see a lot of meteors. Even if there aren’t any meteors, I always feel lucky to have such a good view of stars like I do. Sometimes I even camp out in my back yard to watch them. Maybe if I do that tonight I’ll dream about a space ship.

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  1. Dreams are supposed to be part of our subconcious mind, I am not sure about that , but i dream more towards morning than I dream through the night , as far as I know , have had some strange and some wonderful dreams at times , think we all dream a little or so I’m told…..

  2. What I find fascinating is how dreams can be intertwined with real life sometimes.For instance,yesterday morning,I was dreaming of creeping thru a dark woods,trying to evade some hostile presance,suddenly,a very bright light,like a searchlight,illuminated me…I was discovered….Horrors !…then I woke,realising that my bedroom light had been switched on by my gym partner saying..”Git up ,yer sleepy sod,its time fer gym. “

  3. Lou, I am not sure what you said, but you have a way with words. Your wife sounds very interesting. There are many types of dreams and drugs can cause dreams. Dreams can be wild and crazy and they can’t be creative and problem solving. If I were you, I would see about changing the medication, if it caused night mares. There are some good books on dreaming, if you are really interested.

  4. Dreams are quite easy to interpret. Your dream simply means something that will or is happening that you are scared of. The alligator is your subconscious’s way of expressing that. It will get worse, but in the end you will be equal to it.
    We have dreams when we are in R.E.M (rapid eye movement) which is when we go into or out of sleep. I assume you were just waking up when you started to fall.
    Hark at me, sounding like a school teacher.
    I have always had dreams and I can gauge how well I’ve slept by the amount of dreams I have. Also by the fact of how tired I am. xxxx

  5. Apparently we all dream, but only remember the more vivid ones….I have a dream explanation book Lou, I will look to see if there is anything pertaining to alligator’s in it…xx

  6. I don’t remember my dreams very often, but last night I dreamed that all my contact phone numbers were going to be changed, and I worried how I was going to do it. I woke up then, and when I dropped off again I was still dreaming about it.
    I sometimes have what I call my adventure dreams, where I’m a spy or something, and am being chased all over. The other dream I have quite often is, i’m in a house or may be a town, and am desperately trying to to find my way out but never can, but just go from room to room or street to street. I think that’s supposed to mean you are in a situation which it’s difficult to find you way out of.