This posting is for those of us who believe that, somehow, we are created by someone higher than ourselves and not merely by, “natural selection” itself. My personal view of Natural Selection, is that a monkey drove a huge dump truck full of brick, mortar, wood, nails and paint to the precipice, pulled the lever and the contents spilled down the revine and perfectly formed the white house as we see it today. You can believe it if you wish, and I don’t want to rock your Theology! This is intended for those of us who believe in a “Higher Power” even if our theology will only allow to believe that Higher Power is the light bulb over our head! My belief goes much Higher than that, but be it as it may! This morning I happened upon the Serenity Prayer. Although I know it by heart I read it anyway, and once again it was like good medicine to my soul and to my mind. It reads something like this; “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change….the Courage to change the things that I can,….and the WISDOM to know the differenct! That last portion is where most of us stumble. We try to do our best, with all of our energy and might. We have that inner quality that calls for self sufficiency, and I believe that my God placed that within each of us regardless of how some zealots will interpret it. God gave us the strength and determination to care fot our responsibilities, to feed our families, to maintain a life style that is beneficial; not only to ourselves, and our families, but to others as well. I, Personally, love that rendition in Proverbs of the good lady who cares for her husband and children, who rises up early to provide for her family and goes out and buys/invests and is profitable, is know in the Gates as a good Woman. I look up to and admire a man who knows the meaning of self sacrifice and puts his affairs in good order, providing for his family, and also helping others when it is good to do so. But we have to understand here, that there is only so much that we can do, when all is said and done. We have our limitations! After having done all tha we can, and our plate is full to overflowing we try sometimes to take all the burdens of the world with good intentions. How many of us have laid in bed at night and tossed and turned, worrying about something that we have absolutely no control over? How many hot tears have rolled down our faces, thinking of a son or daughter, or husband or friend that we would like nothing more than to cure their ailment? I, particularly, love that passage in the Bible, if you will allow me, where Jesus said, “come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you R E S T. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me and you shall find rest for your S O U L S! For my yoke is easy and my burden is L I G H T!” I can well imagine that while He was actually saying this to a crowd of people, there were workers in the field nearby, with perhaps oxen yoked tobether and the men or women working behind and struggling and sweating under the labor and burden of that particular job. That would be in keeping of his style of simplicity and wisdom. He was, Simply, Wise! The two go together pretty well don’t they? Simplicity, and Wisdom. So that having been said, and not to oversimplify everything in sight, we could benefit from this application in realizing that God gave us shoulders to carry a certain amount of weight. After that, our skelital design should point to the fact that Homo Sapeins were not manufactured to carry the same payload as the ELEPHANT! Those of us who are suffering from back ailments can say a loud, “AMEN” right here! 🙂 Because, whe we try to carry more than we can bear, we end up WITH THE BEAR! God did not expect us to carry more than our share, and I’ve already wore that point out! The same goes for our mind and soul. We can draw the same analogies. Honey, you cannot carry the weight of everything that everyone else does. If you do so, then you are going to find yourslf short in the department of you own affairs, because something has to give. I can hear my wife now, “Bottom line bottom Line!!” Ok, so be it! You can find strength in the fact that God does care for you. There are others down here in the mud who do also. We’ve got to somehow learn to reach out for that help! We need to share one anothers’ burdens. That may involve only so much as listening! Listening works best when we keep our oral cavities SHUT! Ears open, mouth SHUT! Got that? And after we have heard we continue to keep the yap shut, and don’t go about spreading it everywhere like a butterfly! Keep confidence will ya? And simply be a good listener and a friend. God is also that same listener and friend, to me. He listens when I talk to Him, and sometimes He doesn’t always answer when I expect Him to. He wait, patiently. If I turn something over to His loving and capable Hands, then I have to learn to LEAVE IT THERE! That’s called T R U S T! Granted, trust has to be earned, right? So! We start with the small things, if we’re that fortunate! Place them in God’s hands, and let Him ssolve for “X” because He is most familiar with the formulas, He created them. You can breathe a long sigh of relief. In my own life, and I haven’t “arrived” believe me, I have learned some of what I am saying. I’m still working on it, but not by myself. And I wanted to share that thought with many of you, that are under a great stress and don’t know where to turn. I don’t claim to know all the answers, nor even the right questions at times, but I do know that Someone cares for me and you. Have a good chat! (eat the meat and throw away the bones here)

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  1. Thank you Ditsy and lorrie, it was aimed at myself first! LOL I’m glad that you got some uplift from my catterwallin’! We’re all down here in the same darn ruckus together and we mizell help each other up and not shove someone down. I’ve felt a foot on my head many a time, and when you’re in the muck you just don’t need that right? LOL Being stuck in the muck and out of luck can really suck!
    Next thing they’ll think of security question is quadratic equasions! Then we’ll never hear from anybody but the darn ROCKET SCIENTISTS!!!

  2. I have come to look forward to your blogs….brought tears to my eyes today because somehow your message hit home. May God continues to bless you with the gift of words to be expressed exactly at the right moment, not any earlier. Have a good day!!!!!

  3. Each to their own way of dealing with things, man.

    I cannot accept that anyone or thing is “looking out for us”.

    So it’s keep your head down and press on for me

  4. I dont believe at all, but for anyone who does that is great. If believing helps just one person it has to be good. And if they benefit from believing it is not hurting me but making me happy to see them happy.